Rav Yitzchak Friedman, the first Rebbe of Bohush (1834-1896). The eldest grandchild of the Ruzhiner, Reb Yitzchak was only a year younger than the Ruzhiner’s youngest son, Reb Mordechai Shraga, and was cared for and educated by the Ruzhiner himself, regarded more as one of the Ruzhiner’s children than as his grandchild. Reb Yitzchak’s father, Reb Shalom Yosef, was the eldest of the Ruzhiner’s six sons. Reb Yitzchak was only 16 years old when his father passed away. For a few years he lived in the town of Potik with his uncle Reb Dovid Moshe of Chortkov. Later on, Reb Yitzchak moved to the town of Ezemal and then finally to Bohush in Romania, becoming known as the Bohusher Rebbe.
Rav Yehuda Aryeh Perlow (1878-1961). Born in Novominsk, Poland, where his father, R’ Yaakov, was rabbi and Rebbe. When R’ Yaakov died in 1902, his chassidim divided their allegiance between his sons R’ Yehuda Aryeh and R’ Alter Yisrael Shimon. The former established his chassidic court in the town of Vlodova while the latter remained in Novominsk. In 1912, R’ Yehuda Aryeh assumed the additional positions of Rav and Av Beis Din of Vlodova, and he founded a yeshiva there. In 1922, he accepted the call from his chassidim who had settled in the United States, and he reestablished his court in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. R’ Perlow was among the founders of the Agudath Israel of America.
Rav Moshe Yehuda Leib of Peshkan, third son of Rav Yitzchak of Bohush (1947). Recognized as one of the greatest leaders of Romanian Jewry, his chassidim numbered in the thousands. With the outbreak of the Second World War he moved to Bucharest where he founded and was president of the Agudas ha-Rabbonim (Rabbinical Union). He spearheaded the many campaigns to help save Romanian Jewry from their oppressors.
Rav Pinchas Shapiro of Koritz, author of No’fes Tzufim and Imrei Pinchas; Talmid of the Baal Shem Tov (1791)
Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Reines (1839-1915). Born in Karolin , Belarus , Rav Yitzchak Yaacov Reines studied at Volozhin Yeshiva under the Netziv. His first rabbinical position was in Saukenai, Lithuania, in 1867, followed by a position in Svencionys in 1869. In 1882 he founded a yeshiva with a curriculum that included secular subjects. From 1885 until his death, he headed a yeshiva in Lida (now in Belarus). He was a member of the Chibbas Tzion movement from its inception. In 1893, Rav Shmuel Mohliver founded Mercaz Ruchani, or the “spiritual center.” Ten years later, when Rav Reines was looking for a good name for a religious Zionist movement, he adopted the name, “Mizrachi.” Rav Reines was one of the first rabbis to answer Herzl’s call to become part of the Zionist movement, and he attended the Third Zionist Congress in 1899. While most of his colleagues remained opposed to political Zionism, in 1902 Reines published a book, Or Chadash al Tzion which presents a call to a Zionist Judaism. The same year, he organized a conference of the religious Zionist movement in Vilna, where the Mizrachi movement was founded. He was recognized as the movement’s leader at its founding convention in Pressburg, Bratislava in 1904. In 1905, Reines accomplished his own personal dream, with the establishment of a yeshiva in Lida where both secular and religious subjects were taught. Rav Reines authored many sefarim including Sefer Ha-arakhim and Edus beYaakov.
Today in History – 10 Elul
· A riotous mob attacked the ghetto of Buda (the half of Budapest on the right bank of the Danube, which was joined with Pest on the left bank in 1873), 1684. In gratitude to Hashem for being spared serious injury, the Yidden celebrated Buda Purim on the 10th of Elul.
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