Rav Yehoshua Katz, Rav in Krakow (1734)
Rav Yaakov Yitzchak Halevi of Pressburg, author of Imrei Ravrevei (1762).
Rav Simcha Ashkenazi of Dessau [Dasseau] (1785)
Rav Yechiel Heller, Rav of Sovalk [Suvalk]. Among his sefarim are Shailos U’Teshuvos Amudei Ohr, Ohr Yesharim on the Haggadah, Oteh Ohr on Shir HaShirim, and Kinah L’Dovid which was a hesped on Rav Dovid Luria. He was niftar at the age of 47.
Rav Yitzchak Friedman (1924). Born in Sadigura, both of his parents were grandchildren of the Ruzhiner Rebbe. In 1903, he married, and with the passing of his father, he set up his court in Rimanov. He was niftar during a fund-raising expedition in the United States. A close friend and relative collected hespedim for the Rebbe in a sefer called Akeidas Yitzchak.
Today in History – 11 Kislev
· A Jewish community which had existed since Roman times is expelled from Naples, 1510, fifteen years after the Spanish conquest of the island
· Death of Baruch Spinoza, a Jewish heretic who was excommunicated in Amsterdam for his philosophy of pantheism, 1677.
· Hans Frank, the Nazi Gov. of Poland, required Jews to wear a blue star, 1939.
· 7,000 Minsk Jews executed 1942
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