Rav Shmuel Rosenberg of Unsdorf, author of Be’er Shmuel (1919). Son of Rav Yisrael Yona Zvi, Rav of Tisa-Ferred. At the age of 16, he attended the yeshiva of the Ksav Sofer. He became a Rav in Tchabba and later in Unsdorf, the latter for 37 years.
Rav Mordechai Brisk of Chanad, Hungary, Av Beis Din Tashnad, author of She’eilos U’Teshuvos Maharam Brisk (1944)
Rav Elimelech Kahane, Rav of Ungvar, Hungary (1944)
Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss (1902-1989) author of Minchas Yitzchak; av beis din in Grosswardein, Romania before WW2, then in Manchester, England (1949-1969), and av beis din of The Eidah Chareidis in Yerushalayim (1972-1989). As a young child he learned under the Zhiditchover Rebbe of Delina, Reb Yehuda Zvi Eichenstein. He also had a daily 3 hour chavrusa with his father for many years, during which he learned the derech that his father had acquired from his Rebbe, the Arugas Habosem. For 13 years Reb Yitzchak Yaakov lived in Delina, until the First World War broke out in 1914. The family sought refuge in Munkatch, Hungary. In Adar 1944, the Nazis invaded Hungary and immediately started to erect ghettos. Rav Weiss recorded his harrowing trials and tribulations that he experienced in the war in the first volume of his sefer Minchas Yitzchak in a special section called “Pirsumei Nissa.”
Rav Yehuda (Yeedle’le) Horowitz of Dzikov (1905-1989), the only son of Rav Alter Yechezkel, Rebbe of Dzikov. Born in Vishnitz, he was sent by his father to Tarnov to learn under Rav Meir Arik, with whom he stayed for 5 years. In 1936 Reb Yeede’le accepted the position of dayan in Klausenberg. Every day for half a year Reb Yeede’le had a six hour chavrusa in Choshen Mishpot with Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss. In 1944, when the Nazis invaded Hungary, Reb Yeede’le escaped to Romania, and then moved to Eretz Yisrael in 1946. After a few years in Tel Aviv, he moved to Yerushalayim and made his home in the beis hamedrash of Rav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, the rov of Yerushalayim. He wrote many chiddushim in the margins of his sefarim – on virtually page of every sefer of the Chasam Sofer, on the Chida, the Maharsham, and Reb Meir Arik. In 1985, he traveled to London for what he had hoped would be a brief medical leave. Instead, he spent his final years there.
Rav Simcha Rubin, the Sassover Rebbe of London (1910-2003). Born in Sassov to Rav Chanoch Henoch Dov Rubin, he moved with his family to London in 1925, when his father set up his Beis Medrash in Whitechapel. Rav Henoch was niftar suddenly in 1929 after a brief illness and was succeeded by hisnoldest son, Rav Simcha. When Rav Simcha married a descendant of the Ohev Yisrael of Apt in 1930, it marked the first Chassidic dynastic marriage to take place in England. In 1942, Rav Simcha moved the Beis Medrash to its current location in Golders Green. During the war years, the Rebbe worked tirelessly, helping refugees and orphans.
Rebbetzin Rikel Brodsky, born on the Lower East Side, shortly after her parents, Rav Menachem Mendel Burnstein and his Rebbetzin Chava (nee Minsky) emigrated from Poland. Rikel was the youngest of eight siblings. An einikel of the Pnei Yehoshua and Rav Yaakov Emden, Rav Menachem Mendel had been the Rav of the shtetl Yadova, in Poland, a thriving kehilla that was later wiped out in the Holocaust. Rav Menachem Mendel opened a shul in the Bronx. She lost her mother when she was 11 and her father when she was 18. However, her devoted sisters and brother took care of her, marrying her off to a young refugee from the Mir, Rav Shamshon Brodsky, who had been close to Rav Chaim Shmulevitz. Rav Shamshon served as the Rav of a shul, Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Moshe, and the menahel of Bais Miriam of the Bronx. Nearly thirty years ago, as the Bronx community slowly began to lose its character, the Brodskys moved to Flatbush. The Rav assumed leadership of Bais Medrash Rabenu Yaakov Moshe and a Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshivas Birchas Reuven, and later in Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael. The Rebbetzen was described as “the most powerful mussar sefer we could ever learn” by one of the talmidim. (1924-2005)
Today in History – 11 Sivan
· Acco was captured by Muslims bringing to an end the Christian Crusader Kingdom. 1291. The persecution of medieval Jewry in England dates from the 12th century, with the launching of the Crusades. The persecutions led to the expulsion of the Jewish community in 1290.
· Frederick William of Prussia permitted 50 Jewish families who had been expelled from Vienna to settle in his dominion, 1671.
· An edict issued admitting Jews into Berlin, 1671.
· U.S. House of Representatives requested the president to have all international treaties which impair the rights of American citizens because of religion amended to secure equal rights, 1879. This was a result of Russian mistreatment of Jewish American businessman.
· Operation Solomon, airlift of Jews from Ethiopia, begins. 14,420 Ethiopian Jews are rescued and airlifted to Israel hours before the Mengistu regimes collapse.
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