Rav Huna berei Mar Zutra (466 CE)
Mar bar Rav Ashi (466 CE)
Rabbeinu Yitzchak Halevi from Speyer, talmid of Rashi
Rav Avraham Abish of Frankfurt (1768)
Rav Tzvi Aryeh of Alik (1811)
Rav Menachem Mendel of Bohush (1942)
Today in History – 11 Tishrei
· Censorship of Jewish books in Russia, 1796.
· The Bund, or Jewish Workers Party, convened for the first time in Czarist Russia, 1897. It was the first Jewish Socialist party in Eastern Europe. It exerted great influence on Jews in Europe and America, drawing many away from Judaism and convincing them Jews would be accepted by their non-Jewish compatriots if they only supported progressive political agendas.
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