Rav Mordechai Banet of Nikolsburg, Hungary, author of Parashas Mordechai (1753-1829)
Rav Nosson Nota Shapira, author of Megaleh Amukos and Ranav Ofanim (1585-1633). Eliyahu HaNavi is said to have visited with him regularly. Son of Rav Shlomo Shapira, and grandson of Rav Matisyahu ben Yosef Treves of Provence (1325-1382) who was appointed Chief Rabbi of Paris by Charles the Fifth. The Shapiro family comes from the German town of Speyer from where the founder of the family escaped at the time of the First Crusade in 1096.
Rav Hillel of Paritsh (1795-1864). A chassid of Rav Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the Tzemach Tsedek, he served as the Rav of Bobruisk for many years, and authored Pelach HaRimon, a work of deep chassidic thought.
Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin, Menahel of Ezras Torah (1881-1973). Born in the Mohilev province of Russia, he studied at the Mir Yeshiva at the age of 15. Soon after, he became the youngest student in the yeshiva of Slutsk headed by R’ Isser Zalman Meltzer. In 1923, R’ Henkin was on the verge of being deported to a Soviet labor camp when he escaped to the United States. After being detained on Ellis Island for five weeks, he obtained a rabbinic position on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Shortly thereafter, R’ Henkin published his important work on the laws of marriage and divorce entitled Perushei Ivra. In 1925, he was appointed Executive Director of the charitable organization Ezras Torah. He would remain in this position for 48 years. The halachic rulings in the Ezras Torah calendar are Rav Henkin’s, based on his work, Edut Le’Yisrael.
Rav Yosef Greenwald of Pupa (1984), author of Vayechi Yosef. Son of Rav Yaakov Yechezkel Greenwald, the previous Pupa Rebbe, author of Vayaged Yaakov, and grandson of Rav Moshe Greenwald of Chust, author of Arugas HaBosem.
Today in History – 13 Av
· Jews of Wurzburg were massacred, 1298.
· 16 Jews were burned at the stake in Barcelona, 1488.
· A handful of Jewish survivors of the Kovno Ghetto – including Rav Efrayim Oshri, author of Responsa from the Holocaust – emerged from hiding, 1944.
· French Marshal Henri Petain died in 1951. Head of the Vichi government during Nazi rule, Petain went on trial charge with treason. He was condemned to death but his sentence was commuted and he died in prison.
· The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal handed down its first conviction for genocide, finding a Bosnian Serb general, Radislav Krstic, guilty of the deaths of up to 8000 Muslims, for which he received a 35-year sentence.
· Death of Harel Oz Ben-Nun and Shneur Zalman Liebman, students of Yeshiva Od Yosef Chai in Yitzhar, murdered al-kiddush-Hashem by Palestinian terrorists (1998).
· Death of Rav Klonimus Kalman Kryman (1914-2004). He learned in the Ger mesivta in Warsaw, and lost his entire extended family during the Holacaust. He served as baal koreh and baal toke’ah at Yagdil Torah’s beis kenesses of Chassidei Ger for over 30 years
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