Ravina berei D’rav Huna (499 or 421 CE). Rosh Metivta of Sura. He, together with his teacher, Rav Ashi, collected and commented upon the Gemara of what would henceforth be known as the Talmud Bavli.
Rav Azariah min Ha’adumim, author of Meor Einayim (1577).
Rav Shlomo Zalman Yosef of Vyelpol (1857).
Rav Dov Ber of Levo, son on Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin (1875).
Rav Yisrael Aryeh of Premishlan (1890).
Rav Dov Ber Livshitz, Rav of Sardnik (1900)
Rav Yisrael Taub of Modzhitz, author of Divrei Yisrael (1849-1920). He was the son of Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Taub of Zvolin (1888) and the grandson of Rav Yechezkel Taub of Kuzmir (1856), who was one of the students of the Chozeh of Lublin. He became the first Rebbe of Modzhitz and was succeeded by his son, Shaul Yedidya Elazer. Legend has it that in 1913 Taub composed a 30-minute negun while having his leg amputated without anesthesia.
Rav Yisrael Friedman, the second Tchortkover Rebbe (1934, 1933, or 1932)
Rav Yechiel Michel Hager of Horodenka (1941). One of the sons of Rav Baruch of Vizhnitz (the Imrei Baruch), he was appointed Rebbe (as were his brothers) after his father’s petira on 20 Kislev 1892. Rav Yechiel Michel moved to Horodenka, to succeed his brother, Rav Shmuel Abba, who passed away childless in 1895. He married the daughter of his older brother, Rav Chaim (Rebbe in Antiniya). During World War I, he escaped to Chernowitz and served as Rebbe to the many Vizhnitz Chassidim there. He had one son, Baruch, who was later appointed Dayan in Chernowitz. After Sukkos of 1941, he was among 5000 Jews who were deported to Transnistria, and area in southwestern Ukraine, between the Dniester River (“Nistru” in Romanian) and the Bug River, north of the Black Sea. Also on that transport was Rav Aharon of Boyan, who came down with typhus and was niftar on 13 or 14 Cheshvan. Both Rav Yechiel Michel and his son Baruch came down with typhus in the work camp in Warchovka and died there.
Rav Shalom Hadayah of Aram Tzova (1864-1944). A descendent of Rav Saadyah Gaon, Reb Shalom’s father passed away when he was only three. At the age of 20, he married Sarah, the daughter of Rav Yitzchak Labaton. When Rav Yitzchak moved to Eretz Yisrael in 1888, he took Rav Shalom and his family with him. In 1891, Rav Shalom had to return to Aram Tzova. While there, he was stricken with an eye ailment and nearly lost his eyesight. Despite that, he wrote a sefer, Shalom LaAm, which focuses on the issues of doing tzedakah and chessed, particularly on behalf of Torah students and scholars. In 1896, Rav Shalom moved to Eretz Yisrael permanently, first settling in the Bucharian Quarter, then moving to the Ohel Moshe neighborhood. In 1904, Rav Shalom was appointed moreh tzedek in the beis din of Rav Vidal Anjel and Rav Baruch Elnekavah. In 1930, he was appointed Rosh Av Beis Din of all the Sephardic communities in Yerushalayim. In 1927, Yerushalayim’s chief kabbalist, and rosh yeshivah of Bais Keil, Rav Mas’ud HaKohen Elchaded, passed away and Rav Shalom was appointed his successor. Besides Shalom LaAm, the other sefarim Rav Shalom wrote were: Dover Shalom, responsa on the Arba Turim; HaChaim v’HaShalom, a series of Torah extrapolations; and Shalom v’Tzedek. His son, Rav Ovadyah, was a prominent Rosh Mesivta in the Porat Yosef yeshiva. When the Jordanians conquered the Old City, Yeshivas Bais Keil was destroyed and Rav Ovadyah reestablished it in his own home in the new city. After the Six-Day War, he reestablished the yeshiva in the Old City.
Today in History – 13 Kislev
· Mass murder of Jews of Mogilev, 1761.
· As Allied troops neared, the Germans tried to cover up their actions by killing the surviving inmates of the labor camp and destroying the camp itself in Tarasika, Romania, 1943.
· First chassidic town in the U.S., New Square, elects its first mayor, 1961.
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