The Amora, Mashrisha bar Pekud of Bavel
Rav Raphael of Bershed, a talmid of Rav Pinchas of Koritz (1827)
Rav Chaim Mordechai Rosenbaum of Nadvorna (1904-1977). Born to Rav Issamar of Nadvorna, he learned with his father in his youth, and married a first cousin ag age 19, then learned full-time, supported by his father-in-law. He took a position as Rav of Seret in 1928. In 1941, Romania allied itself with Germany . Of the 420,000 Jews of Romania, 160,000 were murdered by German and Romanain soldiers, and another 150,000 were shipped by cattle cars to Transnitra in the Ukraine ; 10,000 died on the trip and another 80,000 died in the camps there. In 1942, Rav Chaim Mordechai and his family arrived in the Djurin camp in Transnitra. They survived and arrived in Yerushalyim on Sukkos 1948, but moved to Tel Aviv because of the war. He established Yeshivas Ma’amer Moredechai in Yaffo and moved his yeshiva to Bnei Brak in 1961. He was succeeded by his only son.
Today in History – 15 Teves
· Empress Maria Theresa decreed the expulsion of all Jews from Prague , Bohemia and Moravia , 1774.
· Israel’s first desalinization plant opened, 1963, Eilat.
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