Rav Huna bar Mar Zutra (the Reish Galusa) killed al kiddush Hashem, along with Rav Mesharshiya bar Pekod (470)
Rav Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov (1783-1841 [or 1850]), born to Reb Pesach and his wife, the niece of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk. A talmid of the Chozeh of Lublin, Tzvi Elimelech was told by the Chozeh that he was from Shevet Yissascher, which explained the talmid’s special feelings towards Chanukkah, as it is known that the Sanhedrin of the Chashmonaim had many members from Shevet Yissascher. This is the source of the name of his sefer, Bnei Yissaschar.
Rav Moshe of Korestchov (1866). Born to the Chernobyler Maggid, Rav Mordechai, Rav Moshe was the grandson of the Meor Einayim of Chernobyl on his father’s side and Rav Aharon HaGadol of Karlin on his mother’s side. His brother was Rav Yochanan of Rachmistrivka. A few years after his father’s petira, he abided to the urging of the Chasidim and set up his court in Korestchov. He was succeeded by his son, Rav Mordechai.
Rav Chaim Shmuel Horowitz of Chentchin (1915 or 1916).
Rav Tzvi Hirsch Grodzinski (1858-1947). Born in Tavrig, a suburb of Vilna, he learned with his younger cousin, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski in the town of Ivye, before learning in the Kovner Kollel under Rav Yitzchak Elchanan Spector. At Volozhin, he was recognized as one of the top tamidim of the Netziv. In 1891, when the Russian government demanded that Volozhin include secular studies in its curriculum, Rav Tzvi Hirsch moved to the USA and settled in Omaha, Nebraska, where he was appointed Chief Rabbi. In 1902, he became one of the 58 charter members of the Agudath Harabbanim. Among his sefarim are Mikveh Yisrael on hilchos mikvaos, Likutei Tzvi on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaimm Milli d’Brachos on meseches Brachos, and Mikra’ei Kodesh (3 volumes on hilchos krias haTorah). Thousands of manuscripts on his commentaries on Yoreh De’ah and every mesechta in Shas remain unpublished.
Rav Moshe Chalfon of Djerba, Tunisia, author of Sho’el Venish’al and Bris Kehuna (1874-1950)
Rav Mendel Geffner, initiator of mass Chol Hamoed Birchas Kohanim
Moshe Heller of Yerushalayim; only son of Rav Refoel Tzvi Mechel Heller (2002).
Rav Aryeh Leibish Halberstam, the Zhmigrader Rebbe (1912-2007). Two of his sons succeeded him – the Sanz-Zhmigrader Rebbe of Boro Park and the Sanz-Zhmigrader Rebbe of Europe.
Today in History – 18 Teves
· King of Sicily requires Jews to wear a special badge, 1369.
· Violent earthquake kills 2000 in Tzefas and 700 inTiveria (1836)
· Two ships with “illegal” immigrants were taken by the British to Cyprus, 1947. Two years later – to the day – the British announced their intention to release the Cyprus internees
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