Rav Yitzchak Eizik Halevi Herzog ztl, Chief Rabbi of Ireland and later Palestine (1888-1959). His father, Rav Yoel Leib Herzog (1865-1933) was Chief Rabbi of Paris. From his birth until his 16th birthday, Reb Yitzchak studied at the feet of his father. He was given smicha by Rav Yaakov Willowski (the Ridbaz, author of a peyrush on the Yerushalmi). In 1916, he was named Chief Rabbi of Belfast, Ireland. Later he served in the same post in Dublin, and later he became Chief Rabbi of all of Ireland. Following the passing of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook in 1935, Rav Herzog was invited to become Eretz Yisrael’s second Ashkenazi chief rabbi. He served in that capacity from 1933 until his petira in 1959. He is the author of the Heichal Yitzchok.
Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, Rosh Yeshivas Mir (1967). He married the daughter of Rav Eliyahu Baruch Kamai (Rosh Yeshiva of Mir) in 1903. Between 1939 and 1941, because many businesses were taken over by the Soviet government, the Mir Yeshiva left Bilarus. Rav Finkel, with many other rabbis and yeshiva students went to Lithuania because that country was still independent. The story of the escape of Mir Yeshiva to Shanghai during WWII has been the subject of several books. After the war, the rabbis and students founded the Mir Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York. Rav Finkel survived to establish the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He moved the yeshiva to Yerushalayim in 1944 until his petira.
Rav Yona Stenzel, initiator of Halacha Yomi and Mishna Yomi
Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul, rosh yeshiva of Porat Yosef (1998)
Today in History – 19 Tammuz
· Meshullam Cusi established the first Hebrew press in Italy at Piove di Sacco near Padua and printed Rabbeinu Yaakov b. Asher’s Arbah Turim, 1475. The same year he also printed a Selichos.
· Passing of author, journalist, and diplomat Mordechai Manuel Noah, 1851. Noah became the United State’s consul to Tunis. Fixated on the problem of a haven for Jewish refugees, he wrote about the importance of a revived Jewish homeland and in 1825, decided to acquire Grand Island in New York as a Jewish city of refuge. He served as Sheriff of New York and was appointed the head of the Democratic Party in New York. In 1837, he came to the conclusion that the best solution was for the Jews to have their own homeland in Eretz Yisrael.
· Legislation abolishing discrimination against chaplains’ service in the United States army became a law, 1862.
· The first 14 members of BILU reached Yaffo, 1882.
· 6,000 Lithuanian Jews were killed in Viszalsyan camp – 1941.
· Kidnappers in Lebanon released Rev. Lawrence Martin Jenco, an American hostage held for nearly 19 months.
· In Jedwabne, Poland, President Kwasniewski apologized for the wartime massacre of Jews, 2001. The entire town of Jedwabne gleefully participated in the killing of its Jewish residents.
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