Rav Yitzchak Eizik Margulies of Prague (1525).
Rav Chaim Algazi of Kushta, author of Nesivos Hamishpot. Student of Rav Shlomo Algazi Rabbi of Rhodes .
Rav Eliyahu (ben Shlomo) HaKohen Ha’Itamari of Izmir , author of Shevet Mussar (according to some – 22 Adar) (c1650-1729). According to family tradition, he is descended from Itamar ben Aharon HaKohen. In his book, Ve’lo Od Ela, Rav Eliyahu describes the earthquake that shook Izmir , on a Shabbos in 1688, and the many miracles that occurred to the Jews of the city. All of the synagogues and batei medrash in the city remained intact, while all of the Moslem mosques collapsed. An hour after the earthquake, a huge fire burst forth and spread throughout the city, destroying what remained of it. However, the fire ceased at the Jewish Quarter, and did not penetrate it. His other works included Me’il Tzeddakah on the importance of giving tzeddakah, Medrash Talpiyot, Yado BaKol, Medrash Eliyahu, Aggadas Eliyahu, a two-volume commentary on the aggados of the Talmud Yerushalmi, Chut shel Chessed on the Chumash, Dana Peshara, on Shir HaShirim, Rus and Esther, almost 40 sefarim in all.
Rav Betzalel Yair Danziger of Lodz (1761).
Rav Binyamin Diskin of Horodna and Vilna (1844)
Rav Yitzchak (ben Chanoch Henach) Meyer of Alesk (1829-1904). Born in Belz to the Lev Sameyach and his Rebbetzen Freide, daughter of the Sar Shalom of Belz. After learning with his maternal grandfather, he became a chasid of Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin, and later of his son, Rav Dovid Moshe of Chortkov. With his father’s petira in 1884, Rav Yitzchak became Rav in Alesk. He had one daughter, and his son-in-law succeeded him.
Rav Sholom Elyashiv, author of Leshem Shevo Ve’achlama (1927)
Rav Yitzchak of Stutchin (1940)
Rav Chaim Osher of Radoshitz (1941)
Rav Yehoshua Menachem Ehrenberg (1904-1976). Born in Kemesce, Hungary. In 1921, he moved to Tarnow to learn in the yeshiva of Rav Meir Arik. Living in Cracow , Rav Ehrenberg published his first sefer, Rashei Besamim on the Rokeach, in 1937. During WWII, he was interned in the Cracow ghetto. He was included in the “Kastner train,” escaping to Switzerland . In 1945, he moved to Yerushalayim. In November of 1947, he heeded to the request of Rav Herzog to be the Chief Rabbi of the internment camp on Cyprus ; he stayed until the camp was entirely dismantled and came back to Eretz Yisrael on the last ship. He was appointed Av Beis Din in Yaffo. When Yaffo was joined to Tel Aviv, he served as a specialist on Gittin, and was widely regarded as the foremost posek in this area. He wrote the sefer Teshuvos Dvar Yehoshua.
Rav Gad (Godel) Eisner (1985), taught at the Talmud Torah of Rav Gershon Eliyahu Liz in Lodz before WWII, and for many years as maggid shiur and Mashgiach ruchani at Yeshivas Chidushei haRim in Tel Aviv
Today in History – 24 Adar
· Jews of Wurtzburg were massacred by the Crusaders, 1147.
· Jews of Mayence , Germany , were massacred, 1283.
· The Pope issued a bill banning all social intercourse between Christians and Jews. 1451.
· Jews of Lithuania were granted permission to return to the country after a brief exile of 8 years, 1503.
· Lorenzo Bertran subjected to an auto-da-fe in Seville , 1799. He was the last person to be punished for Judaizing in Spain .
· Czar Alexander of Russia declared the infamous Blood Libel to be false, 1817. (Unfortunately, nearly 100 years later, the blood libel against Mendel Beilis in Kiev was officially sanctioned.)
· Jews of White Russia were forbidden to wear distinctive clothes which would set them apart from the rest of the population, 1856.
· First organized Arab assault on a Jewish settlement (Petach Tikva), 1886.
· Jews of Gluchor massacred by Ukrainian mob, 1918.
· German troops marched into Prague , 1939.
· Germany occupied Hungary , 1944
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