Rav Shlomo Segal, Av Beis Din Polna’ah and Lvov, he authored MiBeis Levi (1638)
Rav Raphael Hoken of Hamburg (1723-1803). Born in Liphland to Rav Yekusiel Ziskind, the Rav of the town, Reb Raphael was taken to learn with the Shaagas Aryeh, a relative of theirs, in Minsk, at the age of 12. At the age of 19, Rav Raphael replaced his rebbi as Rosh Yeshiva in Minsk. Four years later, he was chosen as Rav of Rakow, and later of Smilowitz. In 1763, he became Rav in Pinsk. There he wrote Toras Yekusiel on Yoreh Deah, with an appendix of halachos pertaining to agunos. Leter he became Rav in Posen, and in 1776 of the three kehillos of Atuna, Hamburg, and Wandsbeck (AH”U). He also authored Sheilos Hakohanim Torah on the avodah of the kohanim, Sh’Ut Veshav Hakohen, Mapei Lahon on the issur of lashon harah, and Daas Kedoshim.
Rav Simcha Soloveitchik, son of the Bais Halevi (1941)
Rav Aryeh Mordechai Halberstam of Shinova (1930)
Rav Elya Juransky, Rosh Yeshiva in Mir, Brooklyn (2005)
Rav Mordechai Zimmerman, renown mohel (1913-2005). Born in New York to Rav Yosef Yehoshua and Shaina Rochel Zimmerman, he attended Torah Vodaas, which his father help found. He and his two brothers were sent to Mir and Grodna in Europe. While in Europe, he met with the Chafetz Chaim. He received his ksav semicha from Rav Shimon Shkop. After his marriage, he settled in Dubuque, Iowa for 5 years, then settled in the Bronx. In the mid-1980s, he moved to Boro Park, where he became a prominent member of the Mirrer minyon. He is survived by two sons, a daughter, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Today in History – 26 Cheshvan
· At the behest of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella, Pope Sixtus IV issued a Bill empowering the monarchs to establish an inquisitional tribunal to investigate charges of heresy, 1478. The Spanish inquisition – which spread to all Spanish and later Portuguese (1536) colonies and possessions – was only disbanded on July 15, 1834.
· King Manuel of Portugal decrees this as the final deadline by which time members of the Portuguese Jewish community must leave the kingdom, 1497. Those staying behind were forcibly baptized.
· First Jewish wedding in Argentina, 1860.
· The US Senate rejected to Treaty of Versailles with a vote of 55-39, short of the required two-thirds majority, 1919.
· The Peel Commission investigates the Arab riots, 1936, eventually concluding that all Arab claims are withough merit. Nontheless, the Commission encouraged partition into separate Arab and Jewish states in an (unsuccessful) effort to appease Arab objections to a Jewish state.
· First anti-Semitic attack over radio in the U.S. by Father Caughlin, 1938.
· Nazis execute 12,000 Minsk Jews, 1942.
· Ashdod port open for business, 1965.
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