yahrtzeit-candlesRav Aharon of Zhitomer, author of Toldos Aharon (1816). A talmid muvhak of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, he succeeded Rav Zev Wolf of Zhitomir (the Ohr Hemeir) upon the appointment of the Kedushas Levi. His divrei Torah were written down by one of his closest talmidim, Rav Levi of Zhitomir,after he heard them, at the end of every Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Rav Asher (I) of Karlin, the Stoliner Rebbe (1760-1828), son of the Rebbe, Rav Aharon HaGadol of Karlin. When his father passed away, he was raised by his successor Rebbe Shlomo Karliner who became one of his main influences. Rebbe Asher later settled in Stolin. [1826 per Hamodia 2006]
Rav Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg (1859-1935). Born in Skaraschev, a small town near Radomsko, Poland. He served as Rav in Tarlow, and age 25, he was appointed Av Beis Din. In 1903, he published Yados Nedarim, a commentary on Rashi and Ran to meseches Nedarim. In 1905, he published Shaarei Zohar Torah, an attempt to organize for the verses of the Torah what the Zohar said on that verse.
Today in History – 26 Tishrei

· Political rights of Warsaw’s Jews suspended, 1808.
· In Deckendorf, Bavaria, desecration of the wafers used in churches was alleged and violence spread to 51 communities, including Bohemia and Austria, 1337. To this day people come on pilgrimages to the church where paintings show Jews in medieval dress desecrating the “wafers”.
· With Napoleon’s arrival at the Duchy of Warsaw, the new state parliament calls for equal rights for non-Jews, 1808. The parliament states that emancipation for the Jews “would be postponed for 10 years in the hope of eradicating all their distinctions which set them apart.”
· Mount Hermonis recaptured by the parachute and Golani brigades during the Yom Kippur War, 1973. Fearing an Israeli advance, the Syrians immediately agree to a UN-sponsored cease-fire.

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