While the monstrous Nor’easter may have New Yorkers focusing on a massive snowfall, residents of Kew Gardens Hills, Hillcrest, Fresh Meadows, Pomonok, Jamaica Estates and Briarwood are facing an even more daunting reality – a special City Council election in District 24 TODAY whose candidates include a socialist former Bernie Sander staffer who has promoted anti-Semitic materials. Moumita Ahmed is an avowed socialist and follower of Linda Sarsour who is running on being proudly anti-Israel. Her radical views have scored her a last-minute endorsement from Bernie Sanders who seems to hope that the older voters in this district don’t turn out for TODAY’S special election due to the snow. Yeshiva World News reported exclusively that City Council hopeful Moumita Ahmed has been open in her disdain for Israel and her love for anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour. A member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Ahmed has used social media to share anti-Semitic propaganda, including an image blaming Israel for killing Palestinian babies. Having declared in a interview that Linda Sarsour inspired her to “channel her inner Palestinian” and that she plans to “fight back,” Ahmed’s rhetoric is outraging members of District 24’s large Orthodox Jewish community who are coming out strongly in favor of Jim Gennaro as their next City Council representative. Ahmed keeps referring to “greedy landlords” in her campaign statements and literature – an apparent bid to blame the Jewish homeowners in her districts for the challenges the pandemic has brought to so many struggling New Yorkers. A former Councilmember and a longtime friend of both Israel and the Jewish community, Gennaro hopes to once again represent District 24, replacing Rory Lancman who resigned from the City Council after taking a position as Governor Andrew Cuomo’s special counsel for ratepayer protection. State Senator Joseph Addabbo endorsed Gennaro in the eight-way race, New York City’s first ranked choice election, citing his track record during his previous time on the City Council. “Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, it has never been more important than it is right now to get out and vote, despite the weather,” said Assemblyman Daniel Rosenthal, whose constituents include many District 24 voters. “Having a councilmember who has openly expressed anti-Semitic views representing a district with a large Jewish population that has such strong ties to Israel defies logic.” Former Assemblyman Dov Hikind blasted Ahmed, describing her as a bigot in light of her recent comments denouncing the annual JCRC City Council trip to Israel as propaganda. “Moumita Ahmed is a dangerous choice for City Council,” said Hikind. “In a world where anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiments are becoming more and more prevalent, it is frightening to think what could happen if she were elected to public office and allowed to advance her hateful ideas.” Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein was one of several public figures who urged District 24 residents to take advantage of early voting, emphasizing the importance of keeping Ahmed off the City Council. He urged those who had yet to cast their ballots to do so on February 2nd, despite the inclement weather. “I know that voting with this much snow on the ground is difficult, but making sure that those who are filled with hate for all that we hold dear is a crucial,” said Eichenstein. “I urge every resident of […]
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