The Monsey community is invited to hear Divrei Zichronos and Divrei Hisorerus from Reb Shmuel Beller. He will be speaking [IN ENGLISH] about the Nissim and Hashgacha Pratis he experienced before, during and after the Holocaust. Hear his unique story how he survived numerous Nazi Concentration Camps, survived the “Death March” and witnessed the actual building of the Auschwitz concentration camp. R’ Beller was 12 when World War II began and spent five years being transported to ghettos and labor camps until he was sent to a concentration camp at the end of the war. He survived the camp, endured a death march, and was ultimately liberated but ironically almost didn’t survive eating solid food after being liberated. He became critically ill and was hospitalized for three months. It will take place tonight (Thursday), July 15th at 8:30PM at Bais Hamedrash Bais Yosef Meir (Rabbi Levitan’s Shul), located at 19 Olympia Lane, Monsey, NY – in the lower Bais Medrash. Men and women are invited to attend. (There is no charge).
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