The Lakewood kehilla has been plunged into mourning as news spreads of the tragic petirah of R’ Boruch Ber Ziemba Zt”l, a 39 year old Lakewood father of seven. R’ Baruch Ber, a Rosh Chaburah in BMG, z”l was swimming with his children in the Delaware River when catastrophe struck, as one of his children went out too far and began struggling. He swam out to rescue the child and managed to get the child back to shore. Unfortunately, he was pulled underneath the water by the waves. Rescue personnel located and pulled him from the water approximately 45 minutes later, and CPR was valiantly attempted before his petirah was sadly confirmed. A Chaveirim of Rockland member was at the scene within minutes of the call coming in and has been assisting and accompanying the family throughout this horrific ordeal. Multiple Hatzolah volunteers from the Catskills and Lakewood responded as well. Misaskim and Chesed Shel Emes were working working with the local Medical Examiner’s Office to ensure kavod hameis. The niftar, originally from Flatbush, is married to Temmi yb”l, the daughter of Rav Moshe Shimon Luria, one of Lakewood’s foremost Rabbanim located in the Ridge area. Levaya details will be published when they become available.