During a press conference at Mar-a-Lago, Florida, on Thursday, former President Donald Trump criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming she had been “very, very bad to Israel and she has been very bad to Jewish people.”
Trump’s comments were in response to a question regarding Harris’s openness to discussing an arms embargo on Israel with anti-Israel activists in exchange for the support of undecided voters in Michigan. Although Harris’s campaign later attempted to clarify her position, indicating that while she is willing to engage with anti-Israel voters, her support for Israel remains firm.
Additionally, Harris did not choose Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish, as her running mate, despite his leadership in a key swing state. This decision came amidst an antisemitic campaign within her party by anti-Israel activists targeting Shapiro.
Trump stated, “That Kamala is in favor of not giving Israel weapons? Yeah. That’s what I hear. Look, she has been very, very bad to Israel, and she has been very bad to Jewish people. And I say it: if anybody I know is Jewish, and they would vote for Kamala over me, they should have their head examined. If you think about it, I gave [Israel] Golan Heights, I gave them [sic] the capital of Israel, Jerusalem; I even built [sic] the embassy. I gave them no Iran deal. The problem was, they didn’t do anything with it. Iran was broke, we could have made a deal so easily. I would have had a deal done within one week after the election. With Iran. Iran can’t have a nuclear weapon, it’s very simple. We would have gotten along with Iran. I was looking forward to it. I was fine with Iran. You know, we hit them a couple of times, pretty hard, but we would have been fine with Iran. But I got them — I terminated that deal. I got them the Abraham Accords. Everyone said that’s impossible. I got them the Abraham Accords. She’s been very, very bad to Israel, and she’s been very bad and disrespectful to Jewish people. And any Jewish person that votes for Kamala and her friend, her new friend, who — I don’t know if she knew him before, but I don’t think he is too good — but anybody that votes for them, if you’re Jewish, or if you love Israel, you have to have your head examined.”
Harris has avoided interviews and press conferences for 18 days since the start of her campaign.
Trump also asserted that the October 7 attack by Hamas would never have occurred if he had been in office, pointing out that during his four-year term, there was a period of calm, with Hamas failing to launch any major attacks on Israel.