As Ukraine enters its third wartime holiday season, the country’s Jewish community faces unprecedented challenges. Amid intensifying combat across all fronts, severe power outages, and sanitation crises, a massive military mobilization has swept up many Ukrainian Jews. In a groundbreaking move, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine (FJCU) is bringing Rosh Hashanah observances directly to Jewish soldiers on the front lines. FJCU volunteers have crisscrossed the 620-mile front over the past fortnight, delivering custom holiday kits to troops. These packages include Ukrainian-translated prayer books, traditional skullcaps, pocket Psalms, and an array of holiday essentials from honey to Sabbath candles. Practical items like canned goods and hygiene supplies are also included, alongside informational materials about the holidays. In an unprecedented initiative, the FJCU distributed 35 shofars across various military positions. At each location, a Jewish soldier was trained to sound the traditional ram’s horn, ensuring that the iconic Rosh Hashanah trumpet will echo across the battlefield for the first time. “The soldiers’ response was overwhelming,” reports Rabbi Yaakov Sinyakov, who spearheaded the military outreach. “It reinforced their connection to their faith and heritage, even in the midst of conflict.” The FJCU’s efforts extend beyond the front lines. Working with Chabad emissaries in 30 Ukrainian cities, they’ve dispatched similar holiday kits to 51,000 Jewish households nationwide, reaching communities in 169 locations across the country. Rabbi Meir Stambler, FJCU chairman, noted that despite the ongoing war, synagogues across Ukraine are expected to be filled for Rosh Hashanah services. “We’re also providing festive meals for thousands,” he added. “Our deepest hope is that this new year will usher in peace, prosperity, and ultimate redemption, leaving the hardships of the past behind.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)