The Lakewood Police Department, along with Shomrim and Chaveirim, are seeking the public’s assistance in trying to locate 34 year old Leah Frankel of Lakewood. Mrs. Frankel is believed to be in the company of her 4 year old daughter and was last seen walking east on 5th Street in Lakewood, wearing a dark colored sweater, long skirt and a hair wrap. Her daughter was wearing a blue dress with multi-colored croc style shoes. They may be heading to New York. Shomrim in New York have been alerted as well. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Lakewood Police Department at 732.363.0200, Ocean County Prosecutors Office at 732.929.2027, Chaplain Ehrman at 848.525.9174 or Chaplain Heinemann at 732.343.2662
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