US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday confirmed the full implementation of the law mandating the relocation of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“On May 14, 2018, the US Embassy in Jerusalem officially opened for business,” Pompeo said in a statement. “Now, as we near the first anniversary of that momentous event, I am pleased to report that I have provided my determination to Congress that the relevant elements of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 have been addressed. Accordingly, no further Presidential waiver of the funding restriction under the Act is necessary.”
“The Jerusalem Embassy Act called on the Department of State to open in Jerusalem not just the offices of the US diplomatic mission to Israel, but also a chief of mission residence for our Ambassador to Israel,” he continued. “In March 2019, in consultation with the Government of Israel, we established a chief of mission residence in Jerusalem. I have therefore determined that the US Embassy in Jerusalem, including the chief of mission residence, is officially open, consistent with the Act.”
“Twenty-three years ago, Congress overwhelmingly voted in support of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem,” Pompeo noted. “Successive administrations refused to move the embassy, and instead exercised Presidential waivers to avoid the Act’s restrictions. On December 6, 2017, the President boldly decided to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and instructed the Department of State to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem. We proudly continue to implement that decision today.”
Algemeiner Staff