An across-the-aisle shouting match briefly broke out during a U.S. House debate Thursday night over a Republican-introduced amendment to a military spending bill that would scrub Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs from the Defense Department. Rep. Steven Horsford, a Democrat, lost his temper during debate on the amendment, singling out Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) at one point.
“This amendment does nothing to address the recruitment shortfalls that our services are facing, and instead it will only make it more difficult to recruit Americans from diverse backgrounds representing the true makeup of our nation,” Horsford began. The Nevada Democrat then turned to Gaetz, who supported the amendment. “What are you so afraid of?” he bellowed. “Why do you keep bringing these divisive issues to the body of this floor!? You are out of order! You are exhausting, Mr. Gaetz!” The House ended up passing the amendment by just one vote, 214 to 213.
