The song that has been etched in the hearts of Beri Weber’s fans worldwide, since Beri’s album One Heart was released.
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Fear can be your worst enemy. It can paralyze you to the point that it doesn’t let you think; it doesn’t let you move forward.
A young boy is trying to paint the beautiful scenery he sees spread out before him. He works meticulously, with such care, but the results are way below his expectations.
In his frustration, he breaks the painting in half and is about to give up.
But in his head, he hears Berri Weber telling him לא לפחד כלל, not to be afraid. Not to let the fear take control.
He tries again, and this time, he produces a masterpiece.
Like the young boy, we all face different fears that hamper us. The trick is not to get rid of the fear, or to deny that it exists. You can’t control fear happening to you, but you can control what fear does to you. Instead of giving in to it, visualize your happy place, the person, or dream that inspires you and let it pull you out of the morass of fear and hopelessness. Let hope surround and envelop you, and free you from the shackles of despair, so you can soar.
לפעמים הפחד משתק אותך
כמעט בבפנים
ואין מילים רק להשפיל את המבט התמים
אין דרך לעבור ואין לעצור
וכל מה שהיה לעולם לא יחזור
בסוף כל הדרכים נשקף לו האור
אז אל תשכח תמיד
תזכור כי העולם הזה הוא גשר צר מעל לים סוער שלא נגמר
אבל תזכור תמיד שהעיקר לא לפחד כלל
Sometimes the fear paralyzes you,
from within,
and there are no words to explain (the fear),
just lower your gaze.
There is no way to pass it and there is no way to stop it,
and whatever was is never going to be again.
At the end of the road,
there will be a light.
So don’t forget and always remember,
that this world is like a narrow bridge,
over a stormy sea that never ends.
The main thing is not be afraid at all.
קח את הזמן
להיפגש עם עצמך רק איתך
להירגע ולהשיב את התקווה אל תוך לבך
כי העולם הזה גשר צר מעל לים סוער שלא נגמר
אבל תזכור תמיד שהעיקר לא לפחוד כלל
Take the time to be with yourself,
Only yourself,
calm down and bring hope back into your heart.
For this world is like a narrow bridge,
over a stormy sea that never ends.
The main thing is not be afraid at all.
This is a BERI WEBER production:
Song composed written & arranged by:
Video produced, written & directed by:
MUDEO productions
Filmed & edited by:
Yissy Freeman
Music video writeup by: Chaya Eigner
No Part of this video or song is to be copied sold published or uploaded anywhere or onto any sites across the internet. Not to be used for commercial or profitable use.
© 2019, All Rights Reserved to Beri Weber.
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