Residents of Israel are required to pay Arnona, or property tax, with the responsibility falling on the occupant of the apartment rather than the owner or landlord. Many residents can qualify for discounts based on income or other criteria.
Historically, applications for Arnona discounts could be submitted until the end of the calendar year. However, Chaim V’Chessed reached out to to convey that it is important to bear in mind that, since 2023, the deadline has been moved up to August 31.
Foreign residents in Israel holding A-class visas (such as students) are also eligible for these discounts. Recently, however, the Jerusalem Municipality introduced new requirements for these individuals. If both spouses are visa holders, a new form must be completed. This form presents challenges due to new requirements, such as disclosing foreign bank information and providing additional documentation. Moreover, the form initially required validation by a lawyer, adding extra costs to the process.
In response to these concerns, representatives from Chaim V’Chessed met with Arnona officials. During this meeting, officials agreed to remove the lawyer validation requirement, agreeing to accept a dayan’s (religious judge’s) signature instead.
Additionally, Chaim V’Chessed representatives raised concerns about the form being available only in Hebrew, despite being aimed at foreign residents. The organization has previously worked with Bituach Leumi and other government bodies to produce English versions of key government forms. As a result, municipal officials requested Chaim V’Chessed prepare an English version of the new form, which is now available here.
For more information regarding Arnona, see here.
{ Israel}