On Wednesday President Biden lashed out at a reporter who asked if he planned to complete a full second term or hand over power to Vice President Kamala Harris sometime before January 2029.
“Are you OK?” the 81-year-old president yelled in response to the reporter standing across the tarmac at Philadelphia International Airport, pointing his finger at his head.
“Are you all right? You’re not hurt, are you?” Biden continued, addressing the pool reporter who asked the question many are wondering.
“I said, ‘Are you OK? Did you fall on your head or something?’” Biden continued shouting across the tarmac, causing his entourage to burst out laughing, including Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.).

According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, Former President Donald Trump has considered a possible advisory role for the tech billionaire Elon Musk if he were to retake the White House next year.
The two billionaires, who once had a tense relationship, have held several phone calls a month since March. Trump is looking to court powerful donors. Meanwhile Elon Musk is seeking an outlet for his policy ideas, the newspaper said, citing several anonymous sources familiar with their conversations.
Musk and Trump first connected in March at the estate of billionaire Nelson Peltz. Since then, the two have discussed various policy issues, including immigration, which Musk has become vocal about in recent months.

Air-raid sirens sounded in the towns of Betzet and Shlomi in northern Israel on Thursday afternoon, one of a series of alarms in areas near the Lebanese border throughout the day.
Shrapnel from interception of enemy projectiles sparked a fire in Shlomi.
Earlier in the day, the Iron Dome aerial-defense system intercepted a “suspicious aerial target,” believed to be a drone, that crossed into Israeli territory from Lebanon, triggering warning sirens in the Moshav Margaliot area, the IDF said.
The Iron Dome intercepted another “suspicious aerial target” later in the day. A siren sounded in the area of Kibbutz Kfar Giladi following the possibility of shrapnel falling from that interception, according to the IDF.
There were no reports of casualties or damage.

Most Israelis believe that the Israel Defense Forces military response in Gaza has been appropriate and that the Jewish state will achieve its military aims, although Jewish and Arab Israelis are disagree on how the war is going, a new Pew Research Center poll suggests.
Nearly three-quarters of Israelis say that the Jewish state’s military operations against Hamas in Gaza have been appropriate, with 39% saying they have been “about right” and 34% saying that the IDF has not gone far enough. About one-fifth (19%) say that Israel has gone too far.

Large US banks may be more exposed to commercial property than regulators appreciate because of credit lines and term loans they provide to real estate investment trusts, according to a new study.
Big banks’ exposure to CRE lending grows by about 40% when that indirect lending to REITs is added, wrote researchers including Viral Acharya, a professor of economics at New York University. That’s largely been missed in the debate about the risks the troubled industry poses to lenders, they argue.
“Everyone is focusing on on-balance sheet loans by banks,” Acharya, a former deputy governor at the Reserve Bank of India, said in an interview. “We should not get caught in a blind spot that large banks have relatively less exposure than smaller banks.”

Four years from the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom mishaps are still playing out in courtrooms: This time, a defendant virtually attended a hearing about his suspended license – from behind the wheel of a car.
The video begins with Judge Cedric Simpson waiting for Corey Harris, the defendant, to join the hearing in Ann Arbor, Mich. Moments later, Harris joins the call. “Hello,” he says, while apparently steering, wearing sunglasses and a seat belt.
“Mr. Harris, are you driving?” Simpson asked. “I’m pulling into my doctor’s office, actually,” Harris said. “So just give me one second, I’m parking right now.”
Harris did not say why he was visiting the doctor. The Washington Post was unable to contact Harris’s legal representative.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is behind a series of terrorist attacks carried out by criminal gangs targeting Israeli embassies throughout Europe since Oct. 7, the Mossad intelligence agency said on Thursday.
The Israeli intelligence agency opened up a probe alongside European counterparts after an object believed to be a hand grenade was thrown towards the Israeli embassy in Stockholm on Jan. 31.
Following an investigation, detectives concluded that Sweden’s Foxtrot organized crime network carried out the attack on the compound at Tehran’s behest, the Mossad said on Thursday.
Dozens of Iran-backed terrorist plots against Jewish and Israeli targets in Europe were uncovered in recent months, many of which used local criminal rings, the agency said.

The IDF’s 12th Brigade entered a UNWRA complex after receving antitank fire coming from the complex. The complex housed a school, mosque and medical clinic.
While searching the complex, an explosive device in a booby-trapped shaft inside the civilian medical clinic detonated next to the soldiers. As a result of the explosion, three soldiers from the 50th Nahal Battalion, Staff Sergeant Amir Galilove, Staff Sergeant Uri Bar-Or, and Staff Sergeant Ido Appel, were killed.
During the operation, the soldiers located many weapons, grenades, and enemy uniforms. Inside the school’s classrooms, the forces located shafts leading to a complex tunnel system. Every use of the complex by Hamas for it’s military purposes is a war crime.

Ninet and Moshe Levy, from Kiryat Motzkin, lost two grandchildren within two and a half weeks in fighting in the Gaza Strip.
Recently their grandson Sgt. Yedidya Azougi, 22, a platoon sergeant in the 101st Battalion of the Paratroopers from Revava in the Shomron, fell in battle.
Just two and a half weeks ago, they lost their grandson Sgt. Daniel Levy OBM, who also fell in combat in the northern Gaza Strip.
Mayor Tziki Avisar wrote after visited their home to offer condolences, saying: “I left the apartment of Ninet and Moshe. I felt the pain of their cries of breaking and had no words to comfort them for their heavy loss. I share the family’s grief.”

The U.S. mission to the United Nations is skipping a United Nations tribute on Thursday for Ebrahim Raisi, the late president of Iran who died in a helicopter crash on May 19.
“The UN should be standing with the people of Iran,” said Nate Evans, spokesman for the U.S. mission to the United Nations, who noted that Washington wouldn’t participate “in any capacity.”
“Raisi was involved in numerous, horrific human rights abuses, including the extrajudicial killings of thousands of political prisoners in 1988,” Evans said. “Some of the worst human rights abuses on record took place during his tenure.”
A U.S. envoy was one of many diplomats at the global body who stood during a moment of silence for Raisi, known as the “butcher of Tehran,” at the United Nations.
