Donald Trump proudly told supporters today that his campaign raked in $39 million in just 10 hours after he was convicted on all counts in his New York City, the NY Post reports.
The announcement was greeted by a round of applause, as Trump grinned and quipped “I like these people!”
Donald Trump vowed to appeal his conviction on all counts.
He denounced the guilty verdict as a “scam,” and insisted that his team would appeal “on several things,” including allegations that the court blocked the Trump camp’s most crucial witnesses.
“We’re going to be appealing this scam,” Donald Trump just said. “The judge was a tyrant.”
Trump told supporters that he was “honored” by his legal battle.

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The Israel Land Authority notified the U.N. relief agency UNRWA that it must immediately vacate state land and buildings in northern Yerushalayim, which it had occupied illegally.
The Israel Land Authority is also demanding retroactive compensation of $27 million shekels (~$7 million) for the years the United Nations Relief and Works Agency used the land.
Yitzchak Goldknopf, minister of construction and housing, announced the decision on Wednesday afternoon, at the annual meeting of the Israel Bar Association in Eilat.


The word “guilty” featured prominently in headlines on the front pages of newspapers around the world on Friday morning as the press shared the historic news that Donald Trump is now officially the first former president to become a convicted felon. The New York Post, however, decided to go in a different direction, rightfully summarizing the verdict simply as: “INJUSTICE.”
Alongside a picture of Trump, the tabloid’s splash read: “NYC jury makes Donald Trump first felon president after political hit job.”

Two Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed in action on Thursday in the Gaza Strip, the military announced on Friday morning.
Sgt. First Class (res.) Adar Gavriel, 24, from Caesarea, was killed in northern Gaza while battling terrorists.
Sgt. Yehonatan Elias, 20, from Yerushalayim, was slain by an anti-tank missile in southern Gaza.
Two hundred ninety-three IDF soldiers have been killed in Gaza since the military launched its ground offensive three weeks after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre of some 1,200 Israelis.
On Wednesday, two Israeli soldiers were killed in a terrorist vehicular assault near the city of Shechem in central Shomron.

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Yisroel Meir Hirsch, a member of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta group that dresses like chassidic Jews, says that activists from his “community” are currently in Iran working to save 20-year-old Arvin Ghahremani, who was sentenced to death.
“Activists from the Neturei Karta community are currently in Iran. They are making a great effort to save the 20-year-old Jewish boy,” Hirsch stated in an interview with Radio Kol Berama.
Earlier this week, the Tehran Appeals Court denied the retrial request of Ghahremani, who was convicted for his involvement in a brawl that resulted in another man’s death.
According to Norway-based Iran Human Rights, Ghahremani is on the death-sentence list, and his execution could be imminent.

Immediately following the Trump guilty verdict, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on Newsmax TV to criticize the court for its handling of the case, Breitbart reports.
He called it a “grotesque abuse” of the justice system and warned that New York Judge Juan Merchan “diminished the credibility of every judge in the country.

During an appearance on MSNBC during the network’s wrap-up coverage of former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdicts, former Trump aide Michael Cohen, the embattled star witness for the prosecution against Trump, applauded New York Judge Juan Merchan, who presided over the Trump trial, Breitbart reports.
“How do you think Donald Trump is feeling today in the wake of these verdicts?” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow asked.
