By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bamidbar, Perek Yud Gimmel, posuk chof the posuk tells us that Moshe told the Meraglim to strengthen themselves and take from the fruits of Eretz Yisroel.
The Sefer Pri Haaretz explains the reason why the Man that came down in the Midbar stopped coming down as soon as they entered Eretz Yisroel. He says that as soon as the Yidden ate from the fruits of Eretz Yisroel, they did not need the Man anymore since the fruits had the same benefits that Man had. Both the Man and fruits of Eretz Yisroel came directly from Hashem and they both had the characteristic of tasting like whatever foods they wanted to taste.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will propose on Monday eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States, a significant escalation of the policy fight in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary two days before the candidates’ first debate in Miami.
Sanders is proposing that the federal government pay to wipe clean the student debt held by 45 million Americans – including all private and graduate school debt – as part of a package that also would make public universities, community colleges and trade schools tuition-free.
Sanders is proposing to pay for these plans with a tax on Wall Street his campaign says will raise more than $2 trillion over 10 years, though some tax experts give lower revenue estimates.

Rav Dovid Menachem Munish Babad, the Chavatzeles Hasharon of Tarnopol (1865-1937). Born to Rav Yehoshua Heshel of Podvolotchisk, he married Leah the daughter of Rav Yoel Moshe Segal Landau of Yavrov (near Lvov). He and his Rebbetzen had 5 daughters. Rav Dovid Munish was a staunch chasid of Belz. In 1892, he succeeded his father as Rav in Strisov, when his father became Rav in Podvolotchisk. Two years later, he succeeded his father-in-law in Yavrov and served there for 17 years. In 1909, after the petira of Rav Shimon Badad, son of the Minchas Chinuch, Rav Shimon’s son – Yehoshua Heshel – became Rav of Tarnapol, but was too frail to handle the responsibilities.

The Israeli tech sector reached several all-time highs this week as measured by the BlueStar Israel Global Technology IndexTM (BIGITech), a benchmark for Israeli high-tech companies trading globally.
The companies tracked by the BIGITech index are part of the investment portfolio of The Jerusalem Portfolio (TJP), a new mechanism allowing individuals, foundations and institutions to own a stake in Israeli-focused public companies.
“The record-breaking growth of the Israeli market tech sector continues to underscore the value of investing in Israeli-focused public companies,” said Jonathan Gerber, co-founder of TJP and president of RVW Wealth.

Iran has executed a former Ministry of Defense employee after intelligence officials reportedly caught him spying for the CIA.
Aerospace contractor Jalal Hajizavar was killed at the infamous Rajai Shahr prison after officials found documents and spying equipment at his home.
It comes just days after the Islamic Republic shot down an American spy drone.
Read more.

The month of Sivan is more than half over, and one of the biggest fundraising campaigns in Israel has fallen severely short of its goal.
The Kupat Ha’Ir orphan wedding campaign has gained the public support of Israel’s biggest rabbanim in recent years, including but not limited to Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Twersky, and the Rachmastrivke Rebbe. Each month, one Rav takes personal responsibility for the campaign, and gives a specific blessing to donors who contribute.

President Trump in an interview broadcast Sunday said that appointing Jeff Sessions as his first attorney general was his “biggest mistake” in the Oval Office.
“I would say if I had one do over, it would be, I would not have appointed Jeff Sessions to be attorney general,” Trump said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “That was the biggest mistake.”
Sessions was a top 2016 campaign surrogate for Trump and the first senator to endorse him, but their relationship soured after Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in 2016, leading then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint special counsel Robert Mueller.

Joe Sestak, a former congressman from Pennsylvania and Navy admiral, became the latest Democrat to join the crowd of 2020 presidential hopefuls.
The 67-year-old in a statement posted on his website Saturday said he is running to be the commander-in-chief “who serves the American people the way they deserve to be served.”
“What Americans most want today is someone who is accountable to them, above self, above party, above any special interest … a President who has the depth of global experience to restore America’s leadership in the world to protect our American Dream at home … and one who is trusted to restructure policies where too many see only the growth of inequity not of the economy,” he said.

Keurig Dr Pepper, the company that manufactures Peñafiel water bottles, is voluntarily pulling its bottles after tests found arsenic levels in the product that violate state and federal guidelines.
All bottles of unflavored Peñafiel mineral spring water are included in what Keurig Dr Pepper called a “voluntary withdrawal” in a statement Friday. Peñafiel is currently sold at Target, Walmart and other vendors.
Consuming arsenic at much higher levels than what was found in Peñafiel’s products has been associated with many chronic diseases, a statement from Keurig Dr Pepper says. However, independent lab tests did detect arsenic in Peñafiel “at levels that exceeded the FDA’s bottled water standards for mineral water.”
