Thirty-three percent of parents paying for summer childcare will accrue debt to cover the expenses, according to a survey released Thursday by financial services company Bankrate.
Fifty-nine percent of respondents said they would pay for their childcare with a credit card. Parents will spend an average of $998 per child for summer child care, the survey said, but 19 percent of parents said they will pay over $2,000 per child.

Democrats told President Trump in a situation room meeting Thursday he needs to get congressional authorization before taking military action against Iran, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said.
“I told the president that these conflicts have a way of escalating. The president may not intend to go to war here, but we’re worried that — and the administration may bumble into a war,” Schumer told reporters at Capitol Hill after the meeting.

A new survey by Maagar Mochot showed that if elections were held today, the Likud party would win the most seats.
The survey, conducted for 103FM Radio, showed that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud would win a narrow victory with 34 Knesset seats, and the center-left Kachol Lavan party would receive 33 seats.
The Yisrael Beytenu, Shas, and UTJ parties would receive eight seats each, while the United Right and the Arab Ta’al-Hadash would each receive six.
 Read more at Arutz Sheva.

As Americans’ finances recovered from the Great Recession – spurred by the longest bull market, 50-year unemployment lows and an almost record-breaking expansion – they got dumber about money matters.
Just 34% could answer at least four out of five financial literacy questions correctly last year, down from 42% in 2009, according to the 2018 Financial Capability Study from FINRA Investor Education Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to financial education and empowerment. The figure was down from the 2012 and 2015 studies as well.

The Shalheves Boys Vhoir performs for 3000 women volunteers from the Ezer Mizion orgonization from all over the country on a day of prayer in Haifa, on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

Yerushalayim city councilor Yochanan Weitzman of Agudas Yisroel warned that the city’s failure to stop selling tickets on Shabbos and Yom Tov at the Biblical Zoo is a blatant violation of coalition agreements reached with Mayor Moshe Leon.
Noting a Ramat Gan recreation center has been operating without chillul Shabbos since last year, he said, “With good will on all sides, it is possible to find common ground that preserves the honor of Shabbos.”
Yisroel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman slammed Weitzman’s demand, saying, “This is a brutal and forceful chareidi attempt to turn Israel from a Jewish state to a halachic state.”
{ Israel}

With the amount of time we spend on our devices increasing, it’s probably no surprise to you that staring at a screen for long periods can hurt your eyes.
A new product is emerging to help reduce potential side effects of being glued to a screen all day — blue light glasses that filter or absorb rays from sources of blue light such as phones and computer screens.
The new light filters are being sold by eye care professionals, designer brands and they’re even available on Amazon for around $20 in different colors and styles to look like everyday eyewear. Blue light filtering is also available as an add-on to prescription and reader glasses.

Thousands participated Wednesday evening in the emotional procession marking the return of the four sifrei Torah that were stolen last week from the Tiferes Shimon shul (Orchos Torah alumni) on Rechov Rabi Akiva in Bnei Brak.
The procession left from the house of the late Rosh Yeshivah, Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt”l, who was the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Orchos Torah.
Many Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshivah also participated in the hachnasas sifrei Torah.
Border Police located the four sifrei Torah in a PA town in the Shomron Sunday, and they were later identified as the ones stolen from the shul on Bnei Brak’s Rabi Akiva Street last Monday night. The sifrei Torah were in good condition and showed no signs of desecration.

Iran refrained from blowing up an American plane with 35 people on board that was accompanying the unmanned drone the Revolutionary Guard Corps shot down, an Iranian commander said Friday.
“With the US drone in the region there was also an American P-8 plane with 35 people on board,” Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Guard’s Aerospace Force, was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency.
“This plane also entered our airspace and we could have shot it down, but we did not,” he said.
Read more at THE NY POST.
