In preparation for the Yom Tov of Kabbalas Hatorah, the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Vaad Harabbanim has released its latest issue of Safa Berura on the “Halachos of the Month of Sivan and Shavuos.”
This issue, the largest to date, is a comprehensive review of all the halachos related to the Yom Tov of Shavuos.
In addition, the kuntris has 12 simanim of further iyun into relevant Shavuos sugyos, for example- “Standing for the Aseres Hadibros”, “Birchas Hatorah and Nettilas Yadayim after Staying Up All Night”, and “the Minhag of Putting Trees in Shul.” Learning this kuntris is a certain way to enhance your Simchas Yom Tov!
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