A young man was arrested Sunday for saying Kaddish on Har Habayis.
The young man was released Monday under restrictive conditions banning him from the Har Habayis for a week.
Attorney Nati Rom, who represented the detainee on behalf of the Honenu organization, said: “In the morning, a group of Jews entered the Temple Mount accompanied by police, with dozens of Arabs yelling at them ‘Allahu Akbar’ disturbing the public order. After a long time, when they were in an isolated corner, the man prayed to his Creator.”
“Unfortunately, the Israel Police chose to detain those who were attacked while using violence during the arrest, and not to delay even one of the Muslim rioters who shouted at the group,” the lawyer added.


The last living survivor of the Sobibor death camp, died Monday at the age of 96 at a hospital in central Israel.
Rosenfeld was born in Ukraine in 1922 in the town of Ternovka, and in 1940 – with the breakout of World War II – was drafted into the Red Army. A year later he was captured by the Germans and sent to set up a labor camp in the capital of Belarus, Minsk, along with 230 other Jewish prisoners.
Rosenfeld escaped the camp along with 300 other prisoners in September 1943 during an uprising – led by Alexander Pechersky – in which 11 SS men were killed. Though many of the escapees were recaptured, Rosenfeld was able to hide out in the forest for the rest of the war, eventually making aliya in 1990.

All parents want the best for their children – that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life. The classic work, Shelah HaKadosh, contains a tefillah that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year – but especially before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, which is tomorrow, for that is the month when Hakadosh Boruch Hu gave us the Torah, and when the Yidden began to be called His Children. This year, it is preferable to recite it today, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
As a public service, we offer the text of the tefillah for downloading.

NYC-area airline passengers left more than $131,000 in loose change and cash at TSA screening stations, NY DAILY NEWS reports.
Airline passengers crossing through Transportation Security Administration checkpoints left nearly $1 million in loose change and cash at screening stations this past fiscal year, and more than $131,000 of that cash came from the New York City area, according to a TSA report.

Prime Minister Netanyahu took to Twitter Monday afternoon to respond to a statement by Member of Knesset Betzalel Smotrich, who is vying for the newly opened Justice Minister position in order to return Israel to a “Torah State.”
“The State of Israel will not be a halakhic state,” Netanyahu wrote definitively.
Smotrich’s statement fueled Netanyahu’s opposition from Lieberman’s camp and the left who believe that the charedim have too much power in the government.
{Matzav.coom Israel News}

Following the ousting of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, right-wing Israeli parliamentarian Betzalel Smotrich is vying for the role so his union of religious right parties can “restore the Torah justice system” in Israel.
“We want the justice portfolio because we want to restore the Torah justice system,” Smotrich said on Sunday, later telling Kan public radio on Monday morning that Israel needs to “return to the way it conducted itself in the days of King David, while adjusting for life in 2019.”
“The Jewish people will want (it). They’ll see how the law of the Torah is correct and just and moral and humane,” Smotrich touted.

Britain rolled out the royal red carpet for Donald Trump on Monday but the pomp, pageantry and banquet with Queen Elizabeth looked set to be overshadowed by the US President’s views on Brexit, the UK’s next leader and a row over China’s Huawei.
Trump and his wife, Melania, were greeted by the 93-year-old monarch at Buckingham Palace at the start of a three-day state visit which sees him feted with the full force of royal ceremony: a formal dinner with the queen, tea with heir Prince Charles, and a tour of Westminster Abbey, coronation church of English monarchs for 1,000 years.
