Holocaust Educators’ Conference 2020 Deborah Schechter The children of Holocaust survivors are often known as 2Gs or second-generation survivors.  Nowadays, many in the 2G generation — the current bearers of the Holocaust legacy — have conscientiously accepted upon themselves the task of ensuring that the memory of the spiritual and physical courage of their survivor parents is not forgotten. Eli Wiesel once said in an interview,” ‘I believe a person who listens to a witness becomes a witness.” And yet, within our immediate communities, nobody has, to date, addressed the legacy, the contributions, and the experiences of 2Gs from the perspective of the melding of both the academic and the personal viewpoints. Generally speaking, it has always been one perspective, or the other.

New York’s governor plans to propose to President Donald Trump that the state could share some driving records with federal immigration agencies if the administration reverses its move to block state residents from Global Entry and other programs that allow travelers to avoid long border security lines. Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he plans to meet with Trump on Thursday; the White House confirmed the meeting. Cuomo said he would only propose giving federal officials access to the state driving records of applicants to traveler programs who undergo a sit-down interview with federal officials and supply documents such as a passport.

A state senator said Wednesday that some Democrats are considering a plan that would make changes to New York’s law that largely eliminated cash bail for misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies by giving more discretion to judges. State Sen. Todd Kaminsky, a Democrat of Long Island, said that the changes that the changes would totally eliminate cash bail but provide judges more power over which people can be held in jail. “It removes wealth from the system,” he said. For certain crimes, he said, a judge could consider whether the person arrested will cause serous physical injury and their likelihood to returning to court. Newsday reports the plan appears to have the support of Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

The week President Donald Trump was acquitted in his impeachment trial was Fox News Channel’s best in the ratings since the weeks he was elected and inaugurated. The Nielsen company said Fox News averaged 4.27 million viewers in prime time last week, better than any network except for ABC, which televised the Academy Awards, and CBS. It was the fifth most-watched week ever for Fox’s prime-time schedule, and highest since election week 2016, Nielsen said. The only other times Fox topped that mark came during two weeks in March 2003, during the Iraq War, and the August week in 2015 when the network showed the year’s first Republican debate — the first one Trump participated in.

San Antonio, the oldest municipality in Texas, is known for its deep history and culture. It was part of the Spanish Empire when it was first settled, and later, the Mexican Republic. Now the seventh-largest city in the United States, with more than 1.5 million residents, it’s home to an estimated 10,000 Jewish residents, one of the largest Jewish communities in Texas. Growing up in a suburb of the city, Seth Frydberg—Bexar County’s newest deputy sheriff and the first to proudly wear a kippah with his uniform—says he spent many summers enjoying Camp Gan Izzy.

Just three days after his arrest, the head of the Shuvu Banim Cult, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, was set to undergo bypass surgery today in the hospital. A few days prior to his recent arrest, Berland underwent a series of tests at Shaare Zedek in Yerushalayim, and according to those close to him, he will be undergoing bypass surgery on Wednesday. Berland was remanded into police custody until Thursday by a Jerusalem court. Police, however, will request an extension due to the extraordinary circumstances of the situation and the fact that they were not able to properly investigate Berland due to his hospital stay. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Nicole Ben-David, 51, one of the 15 Israeli passengers on the “Diamond Princess,” the Japanese cruise ship which is being quarantined after a passenger was diagnosed with the coronavirus, was interviewed on Israeli radio on Wednesday morning. Ben-David is on the ship, which is anchored off Yokohama port near Tokyo, with nine other family members but right now she’s isolated in her room with her mother, Bruria Levi. A total of 174 people on the ship have been diagnosed with the coronavirus by Wednesday morning, including a quarantine official, and have been evacuated to local hospitals. Fortunately, the results of the test for the Israeli passenger who was suspected of having contracted the virus came back negative on Tuesday.

Liska Rebbe Conducts Tu B’shvat Tisch in Toms River at home of Reb Shloimy Erenthal The Liska Rebbe conducted the Tu B’shvat Tish on Sunday night at the home of Reb Shloimy Erenthal in Toms River. Multitudes of residents from Toms River and Lakewood participated and basked in the warmth of the divrei torah delivered by the Rebbe who shared insights on the auspicious day and the traditional sherayim of fruits. The Tish featured the participation of Toms River rabbonim including HaRav Zalmen Gifter – Rov of Khal Nesivos Mordechai of Toms River, HaRavYechiel Malek – Rov of Kahal Levov of Toms River – Sgan Menahel of the Igud Harabanim, HaRav Yitzchok Mitnick – Founder of “Our Place”, HaRav Akiva Schreiber – Rov Khal D’Sharei Simcha of Lakewood.

The daily death toll in China from a new virus topped 100 for the first time, pushing the total fatalities above 1,000 Tuesday as the World Health Organization announced a new name for the disease caused by the virus. Despite the official end of the extended Lunar New Year holiday, China remained mostly closed for business as many remained at home, with some 60 million people under virtual quarantine. In Geneva, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced a new name for the disease caused by the virus — COVID-19 — saying officials wanted to avoid stigmatizing any geographic location, group of people or animal that might be linked to the disease and to make it clear it was a new coronavirus discovered in 2019.
