This is your last chance! If you, or someone you know, is in search of a shidduch, sponsor a daf and be a part of this amazing mission!    Right now, hundreds of lomdim are at the Veitzener Cheder Yeshiva Ohr Boruch building on a 24-hour quest to complete Shas. Tu B’Shvat is a day of tremendous value and significance, but did you know that Tu B’Shvat is also a predetermined time for zivugim?   That’s why Chicago Chesed Fund created this yearly event, to help singles in our communities gain zchusim to find their bashert.    Help bring everyone closer to their perfect match! Sponsor a daf for $100, and you can submit the names of 5 singles who are looking for their bashert. Maaser money may be used! But hurry—the learning IS HAPPENING NOW!

The U.S. ambassador to Israel has cautioned Israel against “unilateral action” in annexing West Bank settlements, warning that such a move could endanger the Trump administration’s recently unveiled Mideast plan. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had initially sought to move quickly to annex large swathes of the West Bank containing Jewish settlements, following the U.S. plan’s announcement on Jan. 28. Netanyahu called for his Cabinet to vote on such a measure, only to call it off a day later. The move would have risked provoking a harsh backlash from the Palestinians and the international community. U.S.

Iranian State Television reported on Sunday that the country launched an Iranian built satellite named Zafar 1 into space. The satellite, however, did not manage to make orbit and crashed back to earth without having enough speed to breach the earth’s atmosphere. “Stage-1 and stage-2 motors of the carrier functioned properly and the satellite was successfully detached from its carrier, but at the end of its path it did not reach the required speed for being put in the orbit,” a Defense Ministry space program spokesman by the name of Ahmad Hosseini told state TV. According to the Associated Press, “Sunday’s failure came after two failed launches of the Payam and Doosti satellites last year, as well as a launchpad rocket explosion in August.

Many have been in the same position: Sick, and without answers. When young mother of 5 Chaya Marian went to doctors earlier this year complaining of weakness, she was told that she was fine. Relieved, she returned to her regular routines. Everything changed when massive bloating sent her to the ER, and she was diagnosed with cancer. “It was like an earthquake for our entire family,” says Chaya, in a touchingly personal video. One might expect to hear or see the usual chaotic signs of young children in the footage, but her home is soberly silent. Most of her days now consist of treatments and hospital trips, and her husband left his job as well to accompany her during her weakest moments. Her beloved children have been split up to live amongst family.

President Donald Trump was more than halfway through his speech at a rally in Milwaukee when one of his hand gestures caught the eye of a supporter standing in the packed arena. The 51-year-old woman believed the president had traced the shape of the letter “Q” with his fingers as a covert signal to followers of QAnon, a right-wing, pro-Trump conspiracy theory. She turned to the couple on her right and excitedly asked, “Did you see the ‘Q’?” “He just did it?” asked Diane Jacobson, 63, of Racine, Wisconsin. “Was that a ‘Q’?” added Jacobson’s husband, Randy, 64. “I think it was,” replied their new friend, Chrisy.

Israeli Police are currently investigating suspicions that followers of Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the leader of the Shuvu Banim movement, were involved in the disappearance of a 17-year-old boy some 30 years ago. The missing teenager in question was Nissim Shitrit, who disappeared in Jerusalem in 1986. Shitrit was a student in a Yeshiva in Ashdod and a few weeks before he disappeared, he complained to the police that he had been attacked by “Tzniayus Police”. The police received information from Khan 11 reporter Shani Haziza, information that apparently links followers of Rabbi Berland’s to the mysterious disappearance. Police have begun to question numerous affiliates of Rabbi Berland’s with regards to the disappearance.

A Chareidi man was R”L killed after he fell to his death on Ma’aglei HaRim Levin Street in Yerushalayim on Sunday. Sanhedria residents found the young man at the bottom of a high-rise apartment building on the street. He had no vital signs. United Hatzalah volunteers and ambulance team rushed to the scene and performed CPR on the young man, and he was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital while still undergoing CPR. Sadly, doctors at the hospital were forced to pronounce his death after a lengthy attempt to save his life. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

For weeks after the first reports of a mysterious new virus in Wuhan, millions of people poured out of the central Chinese city, cramming onto buses, trains and planes as the first wave of China’s great Lunar New Year migration broke across the nation. Some carried with them the new virus that has since claimed over 800 lives and sickened more than 37,000 people. Officials finally began to seal the borders on Jan. 23. But it was too late. Speaking to reporters a few days after the city was put under quarantine, the mayor estimated that 5 million people had already left. Where did they go?

Tune in HERE for an inspiring evening with Rebbitzin Yemimah Mizrachi and personal stories from Ohel Sarala Members.
The post Watch Now! Tu B’shvat Live Stream Event Featuring Rebbitzin Yemimah Mizrachi at Ohel Sarala appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
