This is your last chance! If you, or someone you know, is in search of a shidduch, sponsor a daf and be a part of this amazing mission! Right now, hundreds of lomdim are at the Veitzener Cheder Yeshiva Ohr Boruch building on a 24-hour quest to complete Shas. Tu B’Shvat is a day of tremendous value and significance, but did you know that Tu B’Shvat is also a predetermined time for zivugim? That’s why Chicago Chesed Fund created this yearly event, to help singles in our communities gain zchusim to find their bashert. Help bring everyone closer to their perfect match! Sponsor a daf for $100, and you can submit the names of 5 singles who are looking for their bashert. Maaser money may be used! But hurry—the learning IS HAPPENING NOW! Take advantage of this auspicious day and get your sponsorships in before Tu B’Shvat ends! All proceeds benefit Chicago Chesed Fund’s many services that help singles find their bashert. Last Chance! Donate now before the learning ends! Visit to sign up. Chicago Chesed Fund is a non-profit organization committed to helping families in crisis throughout the Chicagoland area. Through various programming and events, it provides critical assistance in the form of goods, services and financial support in an environment that maintains the dignity and integrity of each and every recipient.
The post It’s Happening Now! Last Chance to Participate! appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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