Thousands Expected To Spend Shabbos Chanukah In Uman At The Tziyun Of Rav NachmanThousands of visitors are expected this coming Shabbos, Shabbos Chanukah, at the tziyun of Rav Nachman of Breslov ZT”L and preparations are underway.
Not that many years ago, the tziyun was all but empty around the year with the exception of Tishrei, but today; there are visitors year-round, a hotel and stores serving the visitors.

 Damage Caused By Off-The-Derech Youths During Shabbos [PHOTOS](PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
As is the case weekly, off-the-derech youths on Shabbos hang out together, usually looking for some action to pass the time.
This past Shabbos, their recreational activities included breaking and ripping out canisters and road barriers in Bnei Brak, in addition to scaring passers-by in the area.

 How An ‘Urgent’ Tip Became ‘High Crimes’The night before the whistleblower complaint that launched President Donald Trump’s impeachment was made public, Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee crammed into the same room to get a first look at the document.
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Warren, Back In Oklahoma, Sees Tribal Leaders In PrivateReturning to the state where she was born, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren met privately with Native American tribal leaders Sunday and offered no new apology for the DNA test she took to counter President Donald Trump’s taunts about her claim to American Indian heritage, according to a meeting participant.

Building the Foundation of a Torah Family with the Shapell’s Married Couples ProgramShmuel Jablon
A dream of many young couples is to spend one of the first years of their marriage (often the first year) learning Torah in Israel. They correctly see this as an important opportunity to base their marriage on a strong foundation of Torah.

Cyprus, Greece, Israel To Sign Pipeline Deal On Jan. 2The leaders of Cyprus, Greece and Israel plan to sign an agreement early in the new year for the building of the eastern Mediterranean natural gas pipeline, the Greek prime minister’s office announced Sunday.
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Rabbonim Against Changing The Name Of ‘Har Nof’ To ‘Neot Yosef’Rabbonim released a kol korei expressing their opposition to changing the name of Har Nof to ‘Neot Yosef’ in memory of Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L and Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L – which Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon plans to do.

Chareidim Among the Fatalities in the 947 Bus Crash Near Ben-Gurion AirportAmong the dead in the horrific bus crash involving a number 947 bus traveling from Jerusalem to Haifa on Sunday night, the first night of Chanukah, were chareidim; a resident of Elad and a woman apparently from the north.
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Pro Sa’ar Members Erased From Likud Voter Registry Ahead of Primaries Election?With just a few days left until the Likud Primaries, some members of the Likud party who have been outspoken in their support for underdog Gideon Sa’ar, have found their names have been removed from the voting registrar.

IDF Thwarts Gun-Smuggling Attempt on ShabbosA Spokesperson for the IDF announced on Sunday evening that there had been an attempt to smuggle weapons into Israeli territory via the Jordan Valley from Jordan on Saturday. The Spokesperson further said that the attempt was thwarted.
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