Firefighters Are Called “NAZIS!” After Freeing Chareidim Stuck In Meah Shearim ElevatorFirefighters were called “Nazis” after rescuing Chareidim in Meah Shearim on Motzei Shabbos.
It happened in a building on Chevra Shas Street, when rescue personnel were called to rescue a group that was stuck inside an elevator.

 13 Shot At Memorial For Shooting VictimA shooting at a house party early Sunday on Chicago’s South Side wounded 13 people, four of them critically, Chicago police said.
The shooting stemmed from a dispute at a the party that was being “given in memorial of a subject slain in April,” Chief of Patrol Fred Waller said.
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Watch! Beautiful Maoz Tzur Song to Welcome Chanukah!! (Reuven Garber)Watch the beautiful and holy Maoz Tzur by Reuven Garber. As the lead singer of the hit duo, Derech Achim from South Africa, Reuven has now begun his solo career, supported behind the scenes by his fellow Derech Achim brother-in-law, Jared Lazarus who remains his composer and producer.

Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Marks 2nd Yartzheit Of Maran HaRav ShteinmanAmong the thousands that visited the Kever of Maran Hagaon HaRav Aron Leib Shteinman ZATZAL today was the Sar Hatorah, Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky.
Rav Chaim was driven to the Kever in a car, and lit a candle, before reciting some Tehillim.

Remember 12 Blatt in 12 Days! Join the Zichru Daf Yomi Challenge.Think you don’t have a good memory?No way to remember Daf Yomi day after day?Simply too much material in so little time?
You’re not alone.
Almost every participant in Daf Yomi is familiar with the struggle to retain more from Daf Yomi.
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Major Chanukah Sale on Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky’s English Seforim!Rabbi Lopiansky’s English seforim are on sale for $13.99 each.
Purchase and receive free shipping in the U.S. at
Golden Apples: Rabbi Lopiansky’s teachings on Chumash offers readers profound messages, as well as practical lessons for a life of spiritual vitality and purpose.

Netanyahu Visits Bnei Brak On Motzei Shabbos [VIDEOS]PM Minister Netanyahu was in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos, and visited the home of HaRav Meir Mazuz.
It is reported that Mr. Netanyahu wanted to personally thank Rav Mazuz for his words of support during recent shiurim.
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House Vote Locks In Impeachment As Issue In ’20 Hill RacesThe day after nearly every House Democrat voted to impeach President Donald Trump, the chief of the House Republican campaign committee said the political fallout was clear.
“Last night their obsession with impeachment finally came to a head, and they basically ended their majority,” Minnesota Rep.

 100 MS-13 Gang Members ArrestedNew York prosecutors have announced the arrests Friday of nearly 100 members and associates of MS-13 in what officials say is the largest crackdown against the gang in the state’s history.
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Police Surveillance Planes To Fly Above Baltimore In 2020The city of Baltimore will be monitored by surveillance airplanes for up to six months next year under a pilot program announced Friday that is aimed at helping law enforcement investigate violent crime and that will effectively restart a tactic secretively used three years ago.
