More Than 1.5K Attend Chai Lifeline Chanukah Party In Brooklyn [PHOTOS]On Tuesday night, December 17, Chai Lifeline hosted its annual Family Chanukah Party at The Palace in Brooklyn. More than 1,500 people were in attendance, including Chai Lifeline children, families, volunteers and staff.
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Cyprus Arrests 3 Israelis Amid Probe Into Multi-Million Dollar Israeli ‘Spy Van’Cyprus police on Thursday arrested three employees of a high-tech surveillance equipment company owned by an Israeli former intelligence officer amid a probe of the firm’s business activities.
Police said the two men and one woman, ages 30, 35 and 41, were under investigation for suspected breaches of private communication and personal data laws.

Court Releases Frum Protestors Against Jerusalem Light Rail Expansion Arrested Earlier in the WeekThe Jerusalem District Court on Thursday released Charieid protestors arrested on Wednesday during a protest against expansion of the city’s light rail. The protestors feel the light rail route, passing on Yechezkel Street, will negatively impact their “quality of life” and therefore, they are opposed.

Yisrael Beitenu Now Going After Senior Citizens Payments to Elderly Chareidim – “They Never Worked!”It appears that MK Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party have not yet exhausted their anti-chareidi agenda, now targeting their anti-religious venom at the elderly chareidi community, which receive senior citizens pensions.

All Together At Bnos Convention 5780“No one was the same, but we were all together.” – Rochel G., Bnos advisor, Brooklyn
3 days. 27 cities. 400 Bnos leaders.
That was the Bnos Agudath Israel Leaders Convention of 5780/2019, this past weekend in Chicago.
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 Shaked Rejected an Offer to Head a United Right-Wing ListMK Ayelet Shaked of the New Right party rejected an offer to head a united right-wing list that would include Bayit Yehudi, Ichud Leumi and Otzma Yehudit, Reshet Bet Radio reported on Thursday.
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WATCH HER EXCITEMENT! Jew-Hater Rep Tlaib Makes Video On Way To Vote For ImpeachmentPalestinian anti-Semite Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., encountered mass criticism on Thursday after she posted an Instagram video showing her smiling and excited while walking to vote for President Trump’s impeachment.

Remember 12 Blatt in 12 Days! Join the Zichru Daf Yomi Challenge.Think you don’t have a good memory?
No way to remember Daf Yomi day after day?
Simply too much material in so little time?
You’re not alone.
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PM Netanyahu’s Visit to Bnei Brak Ended in a ‘No Show’The security tent was set in place and the complicated and expensive security arrangements required were implemented as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was scheduled to make a campaign visit to Bnei Brak on Wednesday.
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LIVESTREAM From The Torah Umesorah Presidents ConferenceMPower: Lead to Make Our Mesorah Thrive
Our children are our future, and Klal Yisroel throws its collective heart and soul into creating and shaping a bright future.
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