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Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday afternoon that it received notification in its Israelis Abroad Unit in the Consular Affairs Division, about a car accident in Craiova, Romania, in which an Israeli medical student was seriously injured.
For a second time in less than two months, a 19-year-old male was struck by lightning on Sunday evening and serious injured. This time, the victim is an IDF Soldier. Read more on Yeshiva World News
A man who “was looking for an officer to kill” drove into a police parking lot in northwestern Arkansas, approached an officer who was sitting in a patrol car and shot him point-blank in the head, police said Sunday. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Fresh out of boot camp, Cameron Walters proudly told his father in Georgia during their nightly video chat that he had passed the exam qualifying him to stand watch and help secure building entrances at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida. Read more on Yeshiva World News
With three days until the Knesset is dissolved and new elections declared, there are some in the Blue & White party who still believe it is still possible to establish a national unity coalition government. Read more on Yeshiva World News
The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. Read more on Yeshiva World News
YWN regrets to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Moshe Zolty Z”L, a Holocaust survivor who went on to become one of the founders and pillars of the Toronto Jewish community.
As Chanuka approaches each year, parents scramble around searching for the perfect gifts for their childrens’ teachers. While they want to show their appreciation to the teachers, it can be difficult to find the perfect thing. Read more on Yeshiva World News
The driver sanctions expected on Monday morning by Egged drivers in the Jerusalem district were canceled. The sanctions were announced on Sunday afternoon after the bus company declared a ‘work dispute’. Read more on Yeshiva World News
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