Chicago Chief’s Firing Again Rattles Confidence In ForceThe unceremonious firing of Chicago’s police superintendent just weeks before his retirement has rattled a department that, under his leadership, was seeking to restore public confidence since the release of a 2014 video showing a white officer killing a black teenager with 16 gunshots.

Reddit Bans Accounts, Suspects Possible UK Vote InterferenceThe prospect of Russian interference in Britain’s election flared anew Saturday after the social media platform Reddit concluded that people from Russia leaked confidential British government documents on Brexit trade talks just days before the general U.K.
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New Amazon Lease For NY Space Renews Debate Over Failed DealAmazon has signed a lease for a new office space in Manhattan that will house more than 1,500 employees, less than a year after pulling out of a deal for a larger headquarters in the borough of Queens after politicians and activists objected to nearly $3 billion in incentives.

Motzei Shabbos News Round-Up From IsraelSome 4,500 Gazans joined the weekly violent protests at the border fence with Israel on Friday. Terrorists among them threw improvised explosive devices at IDF forces. The protesters also threw rocks and burned tires.
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French Protest Retirement Changes, Travel Disruptions AboundParis police skirmished Saturday with yellow vest activists who joined a wave of protests against the government’s overhaul of France’s retirement system, as highway blockades and train stoppages by other protesters disrupted weekend travel around the country.

House Impeachment Report Looks At Abuse, Bribery, CorruptionPreviewing potential articles of impeachment, the House Democrats on Saturday issued a lengthy report drawing on history and the Founding Fathers to lay out the legal argument over the case against President Donald Trump’s actions toward Ukraine.
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 US Gains A Robust 266,000 JobsHiring in the United States jumped last month to its highest level since January as U.S. employers shrugged off trade conflicts and a global slowdown and added 266,000 jobs.
The unemployment rate dipped to 3.5% from 3.6% in October, matching a half-century low, the Labor Department reported Friday.
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Kriah is Crucial! Learn how to help your child!
 Yeshiva Darchei Aliya presents a Chinuch How-To Series featuring Rabbi Jonathan Riet
Yeshiva Darchei Aliya presents a Chinuch How-To Series featuring Rabbi Jonathan Rietti of Breakthrough Chinuch, co-sponsored by Chazaq!ti of Breakthrough Chinuch, co-sponsored by Chazaq!
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 2 Dead Including Shooter, Numerous Injured At U.S. Naval Base In PensacolaAuthorities say an active shooter is dead after opening fire on multiple people Friday at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, and at least 11 people were hospitalized.
Escambia Sheriff’s spokeswoman Amber Southard told The Associated Press that the shooter is dead.

 One Must Protest on Shabbos Even If It Will Cause Police To Be Michallel ShabbosIn light of growing Chilul Shabbos R”L and the activation of Shabbos bus service in some cities in Gush Dan and Jerusalem, the question was asked why it is preferable not to protest on Shabbos because such protests cause Chilul Shabbos by police, photographers, members of the media and others.
