MOVING TO IMPEACH! Peolsi OKs Drafting Of Articles Of Impeachment [VIDEO]House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that the House is moving forward to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
’’Our democracy is what is at stake,” Pelosi said.

Europeans Rap Iran For Working On Nuclear-Capable MissilesFrance, Germany and the United Kingdom say “Iran’s developments of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles” go against a U.N. Security Council resolution calling on Tehran not to undertake any activity related to such missiles.
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This Drug Can Curb Dementia’s Delusions, Researchers FindA drug that curbs delusions in Parkinson’s patients did the same for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia in a study that was stopped early because the benefit seemed clear.
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TEHLLIM – Condition Of Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik DeterioratesTefilos are requested on behalf of Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, HaGaon HaRav Meshulam David Halevi Soloveitchik, who is admitted to an intensive care unit and reportedly in need of Rachmei Shomayim.
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Targeted Killing Attempt in Charedi Neighborhood of Petach TikvahOn Wednesday evening a targeted killing attempt took place in the Charedi neighborhood of Petach Tikvah. A series of gunshots rang out disturbed the normally quiet streets and scared the residents.
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668,000 Will Lose Food Stamp Benefits Under New Work RulesHundreds of thousands of Americans who rely on the federal food stamp program will lose their benefits under a new Trump administration rule that will tighten work requirements for recipients.
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 13 Countries Vote Against Anti-Israel Resolutions In The UNDuring the 74th General Assembly, some 20 Anti-Israel United Nations Resolutions will be voted upon. Among them, five of those resolutions passed on Tuesday. However, even though those resolutions passed, 13 countries voted against them for the first time, changing their vote from their usual abstention vote.

MAZEL TOV! 19-Year-Old Sephardic Yeshiva Bochur Finishes “Entire” TorahIt is hard to say what constitutes the entire wealth of Torah, but a 19-year-old yeshiva bochur from Yeshivat Nachlas Dovid in Petach Tikvah made a siyum on Tuesday night on the following corpus of Torah literature: Shas both Bavli and Yerushalmi, Mishnah, All of the Tosefta, all of the Rambam’s writings, Arba Turim, the Shulchan Aruch with all of the commentaries, and the Mishna Berurah.

Levinson Family In Court 13 Years After Iran DisappearanceDouglas Levinson recalls watching his father pack for an overseas trip. He knew the trip was to the Middle East and, at age 13, knew vaguely that this represented instability and danger.
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Campaigns Swarm Harris Donors After She Exits The 2020 RaceKamala Harris’ exit from the Democratic presidential primary has set off a stampede among her former rivals, who are moving fast to improve their campaigns’ fortunes by winning over donors who supported the California senator.
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