CHECK THIS OUT! Driver Escapes Injury When Saguaro Cactus Pierces WindshieldArizona authorities say a driver escaped injury when his car’s windshield was pierced by the trunk of a saguaro cactus during a wreck Wednesday on the outskirts of Tucson.
Pima County sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Jelineo said the black sports car struck the cactus while crossing a median.

Netanyahu Makes TIME’s New Cover “Only The Strong Survive”Prime Minister Netanyahu makes the cover of the latest issue of Time magazine.
It is the fourth time Netanyahu has been on the cover of the US weekly.
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Bennet & Shaked Are Trying To Run TogetherThe chairman of the New Right party, Naftali Bennet, and his former number two person, Ayelet Shaked, continue negotiations towards Shaked running with Bennet again. Bennet has already indicated that he is willing to step down from the leadership position, yielding to Shaked’s growing electoral popularity.
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NEW SONG RELEASED In Honor of the Global Campaign to Save Tiferes Tzion/Kiryas Melech; “Hatzloso Hatzolosi”
שירי מקור: אחת שאלתי – לחן: ר’ פינקי ובר, ביצוע: להקת יונגרליך. ר’ שעיה בן ר’ משה – לחן וביצוע: ר’ שמשי ניימן | הפקה והקלטה: אולפני “אנחנו וצאצאינו”, בני ברק | שירה: אברמי לונגר, ילד הפלא דודי לינקר | עיבוד מוזיקלי: שמוליק וינרייך | מקהלה: דיויד טויב, סיני ברמץ, יעקב רוטלבט | עיבוד קולי: דיויד טויב | מיקס: מאיר גרשטיין

 Toddler Gets ARM STUCK IN ESCALATOR at Chinese Mall, Firefighters Rescue The BoyFirefighters saved a two-year-old boy who got his right arm stuck in an escalator in a Chinese mall in central China’s Yuanjiang City, Hunan province on July 5.
A passer-by rushed to press the button to stop the escalator before the child reached the bottom.

Chareidim Secretly Meet With Blue And White OfficialsLeaders of Yahadut Hatorah have stated numerous times of late that they are firmly behind Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, whom they will recommend to establish the next coalition government.
That said, a secret meeting was held this week between MK Yaakov Asher of Degel Hatorah and Benny Gantz, chairman of the Blue and White party.

 I Will Not Permit Uprooting Yishuvim In Eretz YisraelSpeaking at an event marking the 40th anniversary of the Shomron Regional Council held on Wednesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed US President Donald Trump’s Plan of the Century, his peace initiative between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).
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 UK’s Labour In Turmoil After New Anti-Semitism AllegationsBritain’s main opposition Labour Party is in turmoil after a television documentary renewed allegations that anti-Semitism is rife within its ranks.
In the BBC program, former staff members of the left-of-center party recounted being subjected to anti-Semitic abuse and alleged that senior party officials interfered in complaint investigations.

 Massive Community Response Following Op-Ed On YWN Regarding Roaring Drug Epidemic In Jewish Community(By: Zvi Gluck)
It has been a flood of epic proportions.
That is the only way I can describe what has happened in my inbox in the few short days since we released an op-ed on YWN discussing the devastating number of overdoses and deaths that have befallen us and asking people to join Amudim in the fight against abuse and addiction.

Bnei Brak Woman Mugged In Broad Daylight [PHOTOS]A woman was mugged on Yerushalayim Street in Bnei Brak in broad daylight on Wednesday afternoon. The thief injured her lightly and she was transported to an area hospital.
Police began searching the area for the mugger.
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