Officials hail ties between Jerusalem and Berlin; awards come as Luftwaffe takes part in large exercise in southern Israel

Israeli Air Force, Luftwaffe jets perform flyby above capital after air chiefs visit Yad Vashem, as part of kickoff for multinational exercise

Teams from seven countries will participate in exercise, which will include dog fights and simulate surface-to-air missile attacks, as well as fly-bys over Jerusalem, Tel Aviv

Israeli pilot says two sides feel 'how deep the past is,' but look to future; German military spokesperson calls arrival of Jewish state's jets 'very emotional for us'

German Air Force chief says planned event during two-week joint military exercise is a symbol of determination to fight anti-Semitism

'I don't know if I am dreaming,' says Naftali Fuerst on board plane, as he is flown from Israel to speak at photography exhibition in which he stars