Diplomatic reporter Tal Schneider on coalition's response to latest harassment of Christians in Jerusalem; environment reporter Sue Surkes discusses worrying soft coral discovery

Ben Gvir says attacks on pilgrims wrong but 'not everything justifies an arrest'; MK Rothman: Most in procession were perfectly behaved, police blowing things out of proportion

Authorities say church site on Mount Tabor cannot safely contain thousands of tourists, leading to cancellation of event for a second straight year

In letter cited by Israeli TV, immigration authorities tell tourism agencies not to let groups in over fears they won't return home due to ongoing civil war

Israel Museum researcher finds rare eulogia token showing both baby Jesus and Church of the Nativity as it may have looked 700 years after his birth

William Bradford's 'Of Plymouth Plantation' features about 1,000 words in the biblical tongue. But although many early Protestants studied Hebrew, they were hardly philo-Semitic

Vast trove provides snapshots documenting experiences and impressions of visitors, including many pilgrims, who toured from 19th-century Ottoman period up to 21st-century Israel

Before the virus struck, pilgrims would follow in Jesus' footsteps from the site of his Passover celebration at the Cenacle to his tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

'It’s not a great situation, but we’re trying to make the best of it,' says Alabama pastor whose group is in isolation in the West Bank

British missionaries, Swiss bankers, Italians, Romanians and Finns all found their place in the Holy Land on the capital's historical Shivtei Yisrael Street
