Extreme fast-charging battery tech developer display capabilities at annual EcoMotion conference in Tel Aviv

Swedish carmaker joins Series D round of some $80m to help Israeli company reach mass production

Ola Electric makes 'multi-million-dollar' investment to manufacture and integrate StoreDot's lithium ion-based battery tech for EVs in India

StoreDot says it is raising $80 million to support R&D operations, launch production of battery cells that can recharge in 10 minutes

Israeli company reveals cylindrical cells prototype that uses a 4680 format favored by global carmakers, specifically Tesla

Israel's StoreDot plans to test its battery technology on International Space Station, using zero gravity to learn more about the chemical processes that cause silicon to expand

Herzliya-based startup StoreDot unveils solution for main obstacle to widespread use of electric vehicles, but it requires major upgrades to charging stations

Tel Aviv-based startup says in 'world first' its tech can be used to power commercial drones 'in just five minutes'