Second Authority for Television and Radio urges cops to bring about 'eradication of this phenomenon' as journalists from 4 main networks targeted at pro- and anti-overhaul protests

Channel 14 now draws as many viewers as legacy networks, giving voice to conservatives tired of mainstream news, despite repeated scandals and charges of pro-Netanyahu propaganda

Karhi's plans will bring media regulation under government control, end oversight of content; critics say plan will mainly benefit right-wing networks

Under Shlomo Karhi's proposal, TV stations would no longer need a license to broadcast news, dozens of radio frequencies would be stripped from public broadcasters

Shlomo Karhi declares Kan network should be axed, IDF-operated Army Radio should be privatized, accuses media of being 'too biased to the left'

Police, IDF and Shin Bet say news broadcasts of manhunt for terrorist in Tel Aviv gave information 'to the enemy,' revealed secrets about special forces

Move expected to benefit network by placing it alongside Israel's 3 major channels on TV remotes; unclear if station, sometimes likened to Fox News, will rebrand