Sai, 5, found by staff in nearby park, hours after fleeing from zoo; red-collared lemurs are native to Madagascar and classified as endangered

Japanese macaque attacks -- on 58 people in 3 weeks -- are getting so bad Yamaguchi city hall hired a special unit to hunt them with tranquilizer guns; no serious injuries so far

Branch of global Jane Goodall Institute will focus on ecological corridors, wetland restoration and use of Bedouin knowledge to replant native species

Jewish National Fund to provide land to expand forest home of sanctuary, allowing it to take in macaques left in cramped cages for years after Petah Tikva breeding farm shut down

Neuralink puts chip in macaque's brain that lets it play Pong with its thoughts; system could be used to help paralyzed people, keep humanity ahead of AI

Primate, worth thousands of shekels, back home after being recovered by police

Unclear how long such immunity could last in humans; some reports of people possibly becoming reinfected, though there is speculation these are test-related issues

Researchers infect animals with the coronavirus to study their bodies' reaction, but say that much work still needs to be done

After weeklong escapade in Jewish state, French nun who owns the vervet calls him a 'peace messenger' for crossing militarized border

Experts from Yodfat Monkey Forest finally manage to tempt vervet into cage with food after he was spotted in villages and towns around northern Israel but evaded capture
