For many, government's planned judicial overhaul has become catalyst to leave country; one emigration facilitator reports four-fold inquiry increase over last year

More people make aliyah in 2019 than in the last 10 years; Russia leads way with most immigrants, followed by Ukraine, France, US and Ethiopia

Central Bureau of Statistics says Israel on pace for 20% increase in immigration; over 3 million have moved to Israel since 1949, though many have left

Resident of Gaza City says Palestinians leaving coastal enclave because of lack of jobs; World Health Organization official says doctors departing Strip at increasing rate

Senior official says Jerusalem looking for other countries to take in emigres, willing to let Gazans use Israeli airport to leave

For every Israeli academic who returned to Israel in 2017, 4.5 emigrated, and an 'exceptionally small' number of people are responsible for propelling the economy, report says