Twelve musicians from Israel and abroad will perform and jam with audiences for a week as part of Árkho project, at Israel-Palestinian culture house

Itay Mautner and Michal Vaknin will lead veteran cultural event ahead of its 61st year

Mekudeshet cultural organization offers care packages, communal gatherings and a new home for 'new format in same field'

Here are some podcasts, one-time performances, neighborly get-togethers and virtual talks for whiling away Jerusalem's hot summer days

Envisioned at half the height of London Eye, attraction is one of many being considered to upgrade 'visitor experience' at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade

Israeli concert and festival producers up in arms about lost income and lack of work due to the coronavirus

Audiences gather for a unique Mekudeshet event in Jerusalem as over 100 musicians and composers put on a musical celebration

'Window Stories,' the first installment of this year's Mekudeshet Festival, was created to remember artist and activist Yoram Amir, who died in March