Temperatures reach over 104 degrees Fahrenheit in parts of the country, with heatwave expected to continue for days

Peak to come Thursday, with 33°C in Tel Aviv, 37°C in Jerusalem; electricity management company presents plan to avoid repeat of June blackouts

Fire service braces for potential conflagrations after some 170 blazes broke out during last weekend's heatwave

Ecologist recommends hitting southern deserts for a colorful display in mid-May, with rainfall there three times last year's amount

Emergency authority, weather bureau write up scenario envisioning heat waves hitting up to 49° Celsius

Authorities say Sea of Galilee water levels up just 2 cm over the December-January months, with about 40%-50% less rainfall in this period than in recent years

Officials recommend avoiding exposure to the sun, say the elderly and those with chronic health problems should take particular care; temperatures to peak on Thursday

Temperatures will continue to rise Wednesday and reach their peak on Thursday accompanied by severe humidity, posing a health risk to some

Israel Meteorological Service warns of 'serious to extreme heatwaves in most parts of the country' as the week goes on

While this year's summer not out of ordinary, experts warn country to witness more intense summers and drop in average rainfall by middle of century, as global temperatures rise
