Local youth group spearheads program to teach Israelis about Morocco and vice versa; the World Cup has certainly helped

Government expected to sign off on move Sunday; unemployment in Gaza, blockaded by both Israel and Egypt, is at around 50%, making work in Israel an attractive option

Arab affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman on the pledge to permit long-restricted Palestinian 4G cell service; editor David Horovitz on the rise and fall of Atarot's Jerusalem Airport

Regional Cooperation Minister Issawi Frej to meet with PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh; Ramallah saw big drop in international assistance in 2021

Meretz politician Issawi Frej hopes to end years of deadlock in ties, with Health Minister Horowitz, Environment Minister Zandberg meeting Palestinian counterparts in Jerusalem

Entering role, lawmaker says he believes in 'peace that comes from a point of strength, rather than weakness'; replaces Erdan who was tapped as envoy to UN, US

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz again submits resignation as interim Knesset speaker ahead of expected swearing-in of government on Sunday

After awarding Jerusalem ministry to Yamina defector Peretz, PM finds role for his loyalist ahead of Sunday swearing-in; Akunis to be minister for regional cooperation

Representatives from economy, agriculture and regional cooperation ministries meet two weeks ago with Chadian officials in Muslim-majority African country