From Yerushalayim comes the sad news of the petirah of Mrs. Chana Rochel Weingert a”h, a renowned mechaneches and baalas chesed. She was 80.
Mrs. Weingert was a great-granddaughter of Marah d’Ar’a d’Yisrael Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt”l.
She was born on the 15th of Elul 80 years ago to her father, the tzaddik Rav Shmuel Kleinerman zt”l, and her mother, Mrs. Esther a”h.
Upon reaching marriageable age, she married her esteemed husband, Rav Yitzchok Weingert.

Brooklyn, NY — The levayah for Natasha (Sara) Saada a”h, 35, and her two daughters, Diana a”h, 7, and Debra a”h, 5, who were tragically killed in a horrific crash on Shabbos in Flatbush, will take place today, Sunday, at 4:30 PM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located at 14th Avenue and 38th Street in Boro Park.
The tragedy occurred just after 1:00 PM on Shabbos afternoon along Ocean Parkway near Quentin Road in Gravesend. According to NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch, an Uber driver operating a Toyota Camry collided with an Audi. The impact caused the Audi to continue forward and plow into a crosswalk, where it struck Natasha and her three young children. The mother and her two daughters were killed instantly.

On Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a special Yom Kippur Katan atzeres tefillah was held at the central Gerer Shul in Arad, dedicated to davening for the safe return of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
Hundreds of people from the city, along with members of the Kalfon family, whose son is still held captive by the terrorists, participated in the Atzeres.
The gathering began with Mincha and the recitation of the fourth sefer of Tehillim. The attendees recited the Yud Gimmel Middos before the open aron kodesh, fervently davening for the swift and healthy return of all the hostages, including Shagav Kalfon, who has been held by Hamas since Simchas Torah 5784.

It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rav Moshe Gedalia Schwab zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Degel HaTorah and Mesivta Maamar Mordechai in Monsey. He passed away after a battle with a dreaded illness.
Rav Moshe was a son of the Tzaddik of Monsey, Rav Mordechai Menachem Schwab zt”l, mashgiach of Mesivtah Bais Shraga.
He carried on the legacy of his illustrious father with dignity, while forging his own unique path in the world of chinuch and harbotzas haTorah.

Israel is currently looking into online reports alleging that the United Arab Emirates has issued death sentences to three Uzbek nationals in connection with the killing of Chabad-Lubavitch shliach Rabbi Zvi Kogan Hy”d.
The suspects were apprehended in Turkey shortly after the incident and were later handed over to UAE authorities.
A recording of a phone call between one of the accused men and his mother was posted on X, in which he tells her about the punishment he was given.
From the time of their arrest, the three were believed to be involved in extremely serious offenses that could result in capital punishment.
Rabbi Kogan served as a close assistant to Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Duchman, the chief rabbi of the United Arab Emirates.

A tragic crash in Brooklyn, NY on Shabbos claimed the lives of a mother and her two young daughters after a driver, whose license had been suspended, plowed into them following a collision with an Uber. The family had been walking home from shul at the time.
The woman’s 4-year-old son was also hit in the chaos and was hospitalized in critical condition, according to police. In total, nine people suffered injuries in the devastating incident.
The deadly sequence of events began shortly after 1 p.m. near the intersection of Ocean Parkway and Quentin Road in the Gravesend section of Brooklyn. Authorities said a Toyota Camry operating as an Uber and an Audi collided, setting off the chain reaction.

Pesach is a time to reconnect, reflect, and rejoice. As we prepare for the Seder and the beautiful days of Yom Tov, ArtScroll has just released a collection of brand new books that are sure to enhance your Pesach experience, whether at the table, in the Beis Medrash, or relaxing with family.

A unique and rare chalitzah ceremony took place this past week in Baltimore, performed by Rav Chaim Pass, Rosh Yeshivas Heichal Tzvi Aryeh and a son-in-law of Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman.
The chalitzah was held at the Bais Din of Baltimore, under the leadership of Rav Moshe Heinemann, rov of Agudas Yisroel Baltimore and one of the senior poskim in the United States.
A few months ago, Rav Chaim Pass’s brother, Reb Asher Anshel Pass, of Baltimore, passed away, leaving behind no children. As per halacha, chalitzah is required when a man dies without children and his widow is left without the possibility of marrying his brother under the law of yibum.

Dear Matzav Inbox,
I can’t believe what I’m seeing these days. All this arguing about whether or not to vote in the WZO elections has completely drowned out what really matters: the bizayon haTorah, the disrespect being shown to certain gedolim. It’s honestly terrifying to watch. It’s like people are treating our gedolim the same way they talk about sports players, lehavdil elef havdalos. It’s like, “Oh, I like this one,” or “I don’t like that one,” but these are our gedolim!

On Thursday, a large asifa of primarily Sefardic bnei Torah was held on Rechov Shmuel Hanavi in Yerushalayim against military conscription for bnei yeshiva.
The event was attended by prominent rabbonim and roshei yeshiva, who delivered impassioned drashos condemning the draft.
“Who went to war against Amalek?” said one speaker. “Moshe Rabbeinu himself did. The great leaders and righteous figures of the generation went out to battle. How do we fight? By refusing to hand over even a single neshamah to spiritual destruction!”
The participants began the event by reciting Tehillim together.
