As weight-loss plans go, it’s easy to see the allure of intermittent fasting: Eat what you want, but only during certain windows of time — often just eight hours a day. Instead of counting calories or measuring portions, dieters just have to pay attention to the clock, said Courtney Peterson, a nutrition researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “You have this really simple rule: Eat or don’t eat,” Peterson said. The technique has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, becoming a leading trending topic on social media. But does time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, really help people shed pounds and boost health? Here’s what you need to know about the practice: WHAT IS INTERMITTENT FASTING?

In a tense hearing at the High Court of Justice, judges challenged the government’s legal counsel, Attorney Doron Taubman, on the issue of conscripting Charedim into the army, pressing Taubman to explain why the government cannot commit to drafting even a small percentage of the approximately 63,000 eligible men. The hearing comes as part the court’s response to petitions filed by left-wing organizations demanding that all funding to yeshivos be permanently halted and that the IDF immediately begin drafting Chareidim. The petitions are being deliberated by an expanded panel of nine judges headed by acting Supreme Court President Uzi Vogelman. After the Chareidi draft law expired, the Supreme Court issued an interim order halting funding to yeshivos for bochurim ages 18-26.

A key figure in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s foreign wings, Gen. Vajihollah Moradi, died following an illness, Iranian state TV reported Saturday.
Moradi was a comrade of Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a US strike in 2020.
A funeral ceremony for Moradi will be held in the northern city of Babolsar on Sunday, according to Iranian state TV.
Moradi’s death comes less than two weeks after the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
Iran’s investigation into the crash revealed that the helicopter crashed after hitting a hill and then caught fire.
The funeral will likely include calls for the death of Israel and the United States, as per usual for the Iranian regime.

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New York City’s rat-hating mayor has once again been ticketed for a rat infestation at his Brooklyn property. Mayor Eric Adams’ latest ticket was issued by a city health inspector May 16 at a row house he owns in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. The inspector observed fresh rat droppings and a rat burrow “at the front left base of the staircase of the property.” The ticket, first reported by the Daily News, was Adams’ fifth rodent violation since he became mayor in January 2022. He can contest the ticket July 7 before an Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings officer. A spokesperson for Adams, Liz Garcia, said in a statement, “The mayor prides himself on keeping his property clean.

Israel Police on Sunday lifted a gag order on the arrest of a terrorist in the Old City of Jerusalem two weeks ago. The 31-year-old Palestinian traveled to the Old City of Jerusalem with the intent to murder Chareidim or Israeli police officers. At the last minute, the terrorist, who entered Israel illegally, got cold feet and turned himself into the police. He admitted in his investigation that that evening he stole a knife from a fruit stand in the Old City to carry out a stabbing, hiding it in his pants. He began searching for a Chareidi or police officer to attack but got scared off due to the police activity in the area. It was also discovered that the terrorist received instructions from an accomplice.

The White House this week said it moved at “lightning speed” to allow Kyiv to use U.S. weaponry to strike limited targets inside Russia, just 17 days after Ukraine came begging for the capability. But for Ukrainians who have weathered a punishing Russian assault on the northeast Kharkiv region, those 17 days of waiting are emblematic of a White House that has lagged repeatedly behind battlefield developments at the cost of Ukrainian lives.

NEW YORK (AP) — An annual New York City parade for Israel that draws thousands of people is scheduled to hit the s

Donald Trump’s lawyer told The Associated Press he was surprised at Trump’s stoic demeanor as he listened to the verdict that made him the first former U.S. president convicted of a crime. Todd Blanche was sitting to Trump’s left in the Manhattan courtroom as the verdict was read — the jury foreman repeating the word “guilty” 34 times. “I was shocked at how he took the verdict,” Blanche said. “He just stood there and just kind of took it. And I think had a lot of appropriate solemnness for the moment that made me very proud to be sitting next to him when it, when it was happening,” said Blanche, adding that he thought Trump was still handling himself well on Friday, the day after the verdict, even as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee railed that the trial was unfair.

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Thousands upon thousands of people have had their lives changed by the book Living Chessed, in which Rabbi Avrohom Asher Makovsky shares many Torah sources that talk about chessed, inspirational insights and guidance and, above all, stories of how chessed – even something as small as a compliment, a smile, or a hug – can transform the lives of both the one giving and the one receiving the chessed. In brief, readable chapters, we will discover how everyone can be a great baal chessed.

A New York state municipal leader has received blowback for a series of postings on social media.
Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik in New Paltz, N.Y., wrote online about the “geopolitical interests of Zionism,” frequently used the pro-terror term “intifada” and pilloried police for arresting 132 people at the SUNY New Paltz campus. She further characterized anti-Israel activists as “brutally assaulted by law enforcement armed to the teeth in riot gear.”
The Jewish Congregation of New Paltz (JCNP), released a statement warning that Wojcik’s statements could contribute to “violent uprisings against Jews and Jewish institutions in Israel and elsewhere.” It pointed out that her words allude to “baseless conspiracy theories rooted in centuries-old antisemitic tropes.”

The World Health Organization said member countries on Saturday approved new steps to improve global preparedness for and response to pandemics like COVID-19 and mpox, and set a new deadline for agreeing on a broader treaty. Countries agreed by consensus to amend the International Health Regulations, which were last changed in 2005, such as by defining the term “pandemic emergency” and helping developing countries to gain better access to financing and medical products, WHO said. The move came as the U.N.

On Sunday morning, a nine-justice panel at the High Court of Justice will hear petitions demanding immediate conscription of Charedi men to the IDF.
On Thursday, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara came out in support of the petitions, writing in the state’s response that the government was acting “without authority,” “violating express rules of the court,” and “undermining the rule of law” in it’s attempts to deal with the new legal situation regarding Charedim and the draft.
The government has tried to get private representation in the High Court, instead of that of the attorney general, as she opposes the governments position.

The Hezbollah terror group continued to pound Israel with rockets and drones beginning early Sunday morning. Sirens blared as children were on the way to school, forcing them to run off the bus and seek shelter. In the video below, school children run off their bus in a panic as the sirens soar. At the end of the video, the bus driver could be heard saying: “It’s become routine.” Army Radio military correspondent Doron Kadosh posted the video, commenting: “There are tens of thousands of residents of the north who were evacuated but we must not forget the tens of thousands of residents of yishuvim who were not evacuated [as they are a bit further from the Lebanese border] who are under constant fire. Sirens are the norm for them.

Bruhat Soma insisted he was nervous during the idle hours as he waited to take the Scripps National Spelling Bee stage, and he felt even more pressure to perform given that he hadn’t lost a spelling bee in eight months. He never showed any nerves in front of the microphone, though, and when the bee abruptly went to a lightning-round tiebreaker known as a “spell-off,” he could not have been more comfortable. The 12-year-old seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, blitzed through 30 words in 90 seconds Thursday night, sounding more like an auctioneer than the best speller in the English language, and judges determined that he spelled 29 of them correctly — nine more than his competitor, Faizan Zaki. As the champion, Bruhat receives a trophy and more than $50,000 in cash and prizes.
