Shortly before the start of Shabbos on Friday, Hezbollah announced that it is increasing its “technological capabilities” in the war with Israel in the next few hours. Shortly later, sirens were heard in Akko, Ma’alot Tarshisha, Ein Yaakov and nearby yishuvim. The Iron Dome intercepted some of the rockets and drones and others fell in open areas. On Shabbos, Hezbollah continued to launch rocket barrages at Kiryat Shmona, Akko, Maalot, Metula and other yishuvim across the Galil. Several rockets scored direct hits, causing massive fires to break out in several areas and heavily damaging property. On Motzei Shabbos, the IDF said that a Burkan rocket that Hezbollah launched at Kiryat Shmona on Shabbos morning heavily damaged the Gibor Base in Kiryat Shmona.

“Sifrei Yesod” is an essential resource for Torah scholars, book collectors, and anyone interested in the foundational texts of Jewish tradition. Compiled by brothers  Betzalel  and Chaim Stefansky , this guide lists the most influential sefarim (books) in the Jewish library, encompassing various genres such as Tanach, Mishnah, Gemara, Halacha, Kabbalah, Chassidus, Midrash, Mussar, and Hashkafah.

“Sifrei Yesod” is an essential resource for Torah scholars, book collectors, and anyone interested in the foundational texts of Jewish tradition. Compiled by brothers  Betzalel  and Chaim Stefansky , this guide lists the most influential sefarim (books) in the Jewish library, encompassing various genres such as Tanach, Mishnah, Gemara, Halacha, Kabbalah, Chassidus, Midrash, Mussar, and Hashkafah.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to President Joe Biden’s announcement of a new hostage deal proposal on Friday by completely rejecting the idea that Israel will agree to a ceasefire before the first phase of the deal and a permanent ceasefire during the second phase. “Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu stated. “Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place.

The Hamas terror group engaged in psychological terrorism on Friday, releasing a video in which the voice of the hostage Noa Argamani, 26, is heard calling to be released from Gaza. Her father recognized her voice in the video. Argamani is heard saying that “she’s already in captivity for over 237 days,” which indicates that the video was recorded on Thursday. In January, Hamas released a video of Argamani with two other hostages, Itai Svirsky and Yossi Sharabi, who were both later murdered by Hamas. Noa’s mother is very ill with cancer and her last wish is that she see Noa, her only child, before her death. (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

The Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver said Friday an “incendiary device” was thrown at the front doors of a synagogue in what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a “disgusting act of antisemitism.” Vancouver police said the case was being investigated as an act of arson and possible hate crime. The federation said in a statement the incident occurred at the Schara Tzedeck shul at around 9:30 p.m. on Thursday and that damage was minor and no one was hurt. The federation calls the alleged incident a “deliberate act of hate” and an “attempt to intimidate” the Jewish community. Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt said people were inside the shul after maariv around 9:20 p.m. on Thursday when they heard a “bang” outside.

On Friday President Joe Biden gave a speech regarding his outline for a ceasefire and hostage release deal.
The proposal, Biden revealed, is made up of three phases. The first phase “would last for six weeks … [and] would include a full and complete ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza, release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly, the wounded, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia announced Friday that he has changed his party registration to independent, fueling speculation he could run for office again in November after announcing his retirement last year.
“My commitment to do everything I can to bring our country together has led me to register as an independent with no party affiliation,” Manchin wrote on X.
Manchin did not immediately say anything about his political plans. But the move allows him to possibly reconsider his plan to not seek reelection – or to run for governor, a job he previously held.

President Joe Biden has announced a comprehensive new proposal to end the Israel-Hamas conflict, urging Hamas to accept the deal that he says would bring all hostages home, ensure Israel’s security, and pave the way for a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians. The proposal, green-lit by Israel and transmitted to Hamas by Qatar, has three phases. The first phase would last six weeks, during which there would be a full ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated Gaza areas, and the release of hostages, including women, the elderly, and the wounded, in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. American hostages would be among those released in this first stage.

On Friday, Israeli media reported that Hamas published a video featuring what is believed to be the voice of Gaza hostage Noa Argamani in captivity.
The Hostages & Missing Families Forum provided the following statement, allowing the publication of the video: “After assessing the situation and receiving additional information, the Argamani family has approved the use of a video in which Noa Argamani was heard while being held hostage by Hamas. Alongside Noa’s voice, drawings are shown, which the family believes to be scribbles that Noa has drawn..”

President Joe Biden said that Donald Trump’s response to the jury’s guilty verdict is “irresponsible.” Trump has claimed falsely the trial against him was rigged and connected to the Biden administration.

French President Emmanuel Macron is in talks to forge a coalition aimed at sending military personnel into war-battered Ukraine to help train Kyiv’s forces, people familiar with the matter said.
Macron may unveil the coalition at a World War II commemoration ceremony in Normandy on June 6, the people said on condition of anonymity as talks are ongoing behind closed doors.
The training assistance, focusing on areas such as de-mining and equipment maintenance, would initially involve a limited number of personnel before dispatching a larger group potentially numbering in the hundreds, one of the people said. NATO members from the Baltic region, including Lithuania and Estonia, have already expressed willingness to send trainers to Ukraine.

Right-wing Israeli politicians sharply criticized recently elected Labor Party chief Yair Golan for apparently calling for reservists to refuse service in the Israel Defense Forces during a time of war to bring down the government.
The Israel Police said it would open an investigation into Golan after his comments came to light. Golan, a former major general and IDF deputy chief of staff, said he wasn’t afraid of the investigation, accusing the police of having become a political tool of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the national security minister.

Allegations of “gross violations of U.N. rules and professional ethics” were filed on Thursday in a complaint against a senior United Nations figure.
The UN Watch NGO submitted the complaint and a request for access to information to the world body’s Secretary-General António Guterres and High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, alleging that Francesca Albanese, the Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, has accepted honorariums and payment for her travel from activist and advocacy groups, contrary to the U.N. code of conduct.
